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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/wv/ - Brooklyn Det@more

/wv/ - West Virginia

Password (For file deletion.)

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 No.816[Last 50 Posts]

Brooklyn Det@more


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Anyone know anything about her?


Need Brooklyn


Any Terani Parker out there? Will share Brooklyn’s if someone posts Terani


Any keonna?


I have this one of Terani


Did you forget to post the one you had of Terani?


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Here ya go


Anyone got any of Kayla Tenney, Rachel Olinger, Jessica Jenkins or Brittney Jenkins


Anyone got any of Summer Herron


Sonora Rogers anyone??


I have some of her but do you have any of the ones above


I have Elaina Massey, TJ short, Terani Parker, Tara Kennedy, Peyton Gillespie videos & pics, Chelsea Bailey, Kayla Lynch & Kayla Peck all from Lewis… let’s see some and I’ll post some of these!! This thread sucks


She posted movies with a guy she used to work under his 0f@n$, which is mount@inm@nxx. He still has all of them and a bunch of pics.


Which one are you talking about


I’m talking about Sonora


Who posted movies?!




Any from Tamika or Latisha Casto


Let’s see Kayla Peck !


Anyone have jossie Curtis


Anyone have any of Brooklyn Detamore


Abby Hall?


I have some but I'm looking for some of Eliza Weber


No. 1246 let’s see what you have because I’m sure knowing Eliza that prob isn’t going to happen, but damn it would be nice!


Who do you have because I'll share if you have someone who I've been looking for


Any of Shaylea Zickafoose


Let’s see em


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Got gold wins for lewis ad d geor ge amulet on 👻 no spaces in na me


Who that


name doesnt exist I have a mega full of lewis if anyone actually has people they want **** for


No. 1346 its back up now ad d it and it's briahna rourghbough in the picture


No 1346. How does someone go about ****ing you to see this mega of Lewis….?


Looking for pics of Kayla Tenney willing to **** pics if you got them


T R A D E ^


I'll give anyone who has Kayla Tenneys nudes my folder of chicks around the state. Face must be included in her pics


Teirra Harris?


Anyone have Danielle Ocheltree? She hasn’t been in LC for a long time, but I used to have such a hardon for her.


I have some of Tierra who do you have?


Any Shae McClain? She had awesome tidies back in the day.


I might I can look have any from Lewis


I wish. I grew up in Lewis and have none from there but participate in other counties where I have some.


Have any from Glennville area


No, just Cabell and Monongalia because of the two colleges.


Add the one with briahna r


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Anybody have H@nnah Br33n


No follow-up on the Shaw McClain and Danielle Ocheltree request?


Who from Cabell?


Do you know Brooke Painter? Not from Lewis but went to Marshal so I’d share her in that forum for Shae or Danielle here


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George am*t ad d no space(USER BANNED)


T@batha S@yre anyone??? I’ve heard she’s been whoring around….. nice body


Who got Devan McCoy? She’s back in town using. Looking good.


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Geor ge am ul et no sp a ce s on the gh os t ap p for lew is harr ison nich olas and some fair mint


Let’s start posting more pics. Lewis girls


Anything at all?


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What's name and what county


haliey tinnel? I know they are out there


from Horner


Anyone got autumn marks?


Let's get this going


Chelsea Bailey….. super hot great tits… anyone


You have Jessica Jenkins or Britney Jenkins Sarah mckamey Sidney newsome Lexi kovar shailie Murphy Abby helmick amberly kiser maddy pownell Briana Kraus any of those


Yea do you have any of Kayla tenney


Sonora Rodgers Anyone???


No I don’t sorry who’s you got


Do you have Bre Williams and Jess I have


Damn would love to see them I sadly don’t have hers either


Any chance you could post it


I’ll **** you pic for pic for jess


Who all you looking for might have let me know


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Any more of Sabrina c? I know she has a OF too @icy_ass_titties


Bre W!ll!ams


Those 2 are the ones I'm looking for if anyone posts any of them I'll post Jess


Got to suck dick to get pics on her buy the OF if you want them I offered to **** what I got


Whose OF I'm looking for Bre W!ll!ams or k@yl@ Tenney


Biggest stinking cum dumpster whore of WV just moved to Weston word to the wise this bitch is diseased.




I would love to see Britney and Jessica Jenkins
Especially pics of them now there fine asf


I wanna see Hanna Br€€ns stretched out 😻


Autumn marks? Her pussy use to be super tight


Post em gang


Post em


Marsha @ P&G Hardware


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Tara Kennedy
Any new stuff?


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More Tara


Lesley Harris Pertz or Krista Hughes Turner?


Since other thread got sent to the shadow realm, anyone got Lan1 p0sey, Abiga1l L0sh, L1ndsey B3rry, or C1erra Gr0gg?


Let's see the Kayla Lynch


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Devyn g@y


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from sherry t of anyone have any new


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any hailey t? they have to be around


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Have plenty of Hailey T


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Then post bro, it’s why we’re here.

Bri R. For the tax


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More Sh3rry T


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have a lot of Kaitlynn W


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^ Any sex tapes of her?


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C@sey F@llon


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Any of amber workman?


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Work man


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Any Bailey Watson?


I have seen ALOT of Bailey just never on here and I don’t have any personally huge slut


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Statewide sluts


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Any Deadr@ Donald$on/grow


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Looking for Deadra Donaldson


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sky3 h@lll


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Someone post shaylen butcher now please


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Deadra and Bailey Watson please


Any ****ney goad and nina smith ?


Wow this is really dead huh some of the biggest hoes in the country in LC and no one wants to post anything


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P£yton Gillespie is single again. Got caught cheating on her boyfriend, shocker, I know. Gotta be some new wins popping up.


more of her?


anything old of her she looks nice


T@mika or LaTish@ C@sto?


P Gillespie anyone?


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P3yt gill3spi3 anyone know Kyli3 m3ss3ng3r from upsher


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More PG


more PG shes hot


K@rissa Will1ams!


Where's the keonn@ wins


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Anymore Kendr@ McV@y? Huge tits.


Stop w gros 1s


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Who is this?


Will post Keonna for newer pics of Peyton G


no hogs pls


Keonna who? i have 1 or 2 might interest you if its the same person




just gonna bump this back to the top


Natalie dean anyone?


Gotta be t@sha J3ffries out there


i hope got some beautiful tits


anyone have the alexis c00l stuff from last summer?


Thought you had more PG bro


I’d love to see Alexis


I’d love to see all the shit that got archived from the other thread. M Ashley and Morgan Brwn. Shit was fire.


would love some more PG


Any Alexis cool or hannah breen


yall really just let this die


cant have nothing nice


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Wins, of Hannah B, this isn’t her, could be out there. She went through a phase in her first couple years in college where she got around quite a bit.


Who’s this? Post names it’s part of the rules


Anyone have 0rgy at Lewis ems with Gl0r!@ B from upshur for Sh3rry T


Who’s 4152?


Who has Kenda Chapman? I've seen her nudes going around noone has pisted


a buddy had some a while back someone has to have them


Be very nice of them to share. Kenda had a great set of tits and is a major whore


Sierra Yoak?? Gotta be some


where’s Autumn marks everyone has seen the 3 or 4 that’s been out there forever we need new stuff


P3yt0n G would be nice


Danielle Rineh**t?


Any one have any of ashley burkhammer


Rooster says Cut the bullshit and Post pics


Kristie smith
Angel Petrone
Kenda Chapman
Any Mikfs?


Wins of apr!l Montg0mery?


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Autumn marks


I’ve seen the 3 or 4 of her floating around always knew there was more


I have more and some unseens I’m sure if anyone wants to ****




Let's get it going


More skye hall


Any Kenda Chapman?


Cait m00dy?


Any good D Gregory


Kayleigh Th0mas?


Abby H@rtley again?


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Anymore $hanyia


Somebody post some shaylen butcher and I'll shut up fr


Caitlyn claypool


Post the Tj Sh0rt to get this on the right track


Any E. Gregory?


Anyone got more Bri R? Bitch is hot asf


Any Elaina Massey out there?


Sarah ashley


Somebody repost those pics of Mikayla Ashley posted a few months ago


Any m@riss@ gay big ass?


Any Sonora Rogers??


Anyone got any Stacy Davisson


Repost demus


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Any teachers? I know there’s some sexy teachers around Lewis county now, someone has to have some


Le@h Watson
Sh@elin smith


Any one have Hannah loudin?


Stripper her stage name Lilly works at Cox’s in C-burg, anyone have her?


Any have anything on Jaelynn Rom@ns


How about morg@n Row@n


Any lacey palmer or raegan dutchess


Bump for Lacey Pal-mer wins.


How about Sanchesca Alderson


This is prolly a long shot but does anyone have anything on Kelly Weaver She how’d a hot little body back in high school Also looking for Corrie Beam and her sister Brooke


Any Rae bonnett?


H@iley gre@v3r?


Alexis cool?


Any Amber Workman. Would love to see that fat ass redhead in a thong

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