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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/wv/ - t drake

/wv/ - West Virginia

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 No.774[View All]

t drake
129 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Anybody have Summer D?


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Any one have Liv McC?


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Anyone have Sarah Petty? Now Sarah Renninger. Cabin creek /riverside


Always wanted to see those tits


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Best pussy I have ever had


this is sick


Does anyone have Lauren mcclung or hannah warden


Hannah or Lauren kinder from cap high?


Anything on Ciarra 🛞(er) near cabin creek?


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Any M@ndy Sh@mblin?


Any more m.curry???


Any more of her??


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Tay Bal


Katie Lowe??


Man take that picture down it looks like that chick has a dingle berry lmao


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I’m telling you guys for real, I have hundreds of pics and videos from girls from the Elkview area mostly or at least from Kanawha county. Get some good shit going on here and I’m more than willing to share what I have accumulated for over 15 years


BTW that last post was photos of Erin Tay*or, Melanie O’D*ll, and Anessa Rand*lph


Got more Erin?


Sorry no more Erin as of now, just that one picture of her tits. But I may be able to get some more of her, you just have to give me some time. I’ve messed around with her off and on for over a decade so I might be able to try to get some sometime in the near future.


I hate c**** up the thread but who else you got from around there?


Several if I had to guess. Probably like somewhere between 20 - 30 chicks from the Kanawha county area, Elk River area mostly. I just costarred new is****-day server and I’m loading up a bunch on there. I’ll keep posting on here as well but I need to see some chicks I know from the area that I don’t have pics of already.


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Here are some more to show I’m not full of shit. These are of Vanessa G*ff


Costarred a what?


Anymote of alivia or any of malia


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Does anyone have Samantha Chapman


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Her please or McKenzie Deskins


Any A king


Any abby sheets, jessica sp****ock,malia myers, classof 2017 girls


Andrena Kay ? Heard she’s been around


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Haylee b


Anyone have brooke wheeler


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Does anyone Have Selina Epperley?



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I’m not gonna keep posting all my wins I’ve collected if other people don’t start throwing a lot more up on here. I’m gonna post two sets here but I’m not gonna do anymore until others contribute at least as much as me. This set is of Chey#nne Hart


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Ok and the other one I’m gonna post today is here of Mak@yla Sp****o<k


If you're the same dude that posted Erin, you never replied as to what you was loading up. Tried posting on here but kept getting invalid image


Who love to See her!


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Anyone have something of @va or P@ige curry?


Anything from sissonville?


I have nothing to post, but I wanna see what this guy has from Elk River! Somebody post something! Lol. If I had it., I would.


Who’s on the bike ?


Anyone have Kayla Sheet$


I was trying to say we needed a is****day if you know what I’m trying to say, every time I wrote the actual word it censored it.


See it did it again, I’m Trina to say drocsid. There now see if it will take it when I write it backwards


Ok it worked that time except it put Trina when I ment trying lol. The word before the period in reverse is what I attempted to convey like 5 times and it wouldn’t work


You got a name on there?


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Hannah Bennington


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Any Brittany B now Fouty


Sure do. Got 7


Post them I have more Hannah B if you post Brittany

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