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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/wv/ - Anyone have Liz black she looks so fine

/wv/ - West Virginia

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Anyone have Liz black she looks so fine


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Like damn


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Her or Al3x bl4ck. Both fine as hell, I think L1z is still in a long term relationship so I'm not sure how much they might be out in the wild


Any stories of Liz?


I bet her pussy is tight ASF


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Anyone have Katie s****more’s sexy tits or anything else on her?


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^ I'd do so much for some K@tie tits along with the ass. Is@bel M0rris is another one with great tits that needs to be seen


I agree Katie is super hot, she has nice pierced tits I don't have any pics but saw them once in person


Got any stories about her or any other local chicks, I heard some wh****ers about some of them and they are wild


What did you hear?


Stuff like C@ssie W1ne going through the ****ball team at the college, or M@dison C0lem@n doing some porn. Heard that a bunch of chicks had of's but wasn't able to get anything concrete on it


Enough money will have any of those girls bent over


Have you heard any good stories?


Nothing other than Katie is secretly kinky asf, wish she didn't have her BF so someone could find out


Always had some suspicions about her, feel like she would be fun in a group shared.


Her pierced tits are really nice great light colored nipples


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I was at GSU for three years and couldn’t guess how many guys Cassie & Madison hooked up with.


That one of them? And yeah I've heard story after story, wouldn't be surprised if they had done some trains or dp


The pic is neither of them. Trains were definitely ran on both and maybe still are if their still around.


Who is in the pic then?


Cassity is a prostitute now


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Here’s one of Madison that’s on a separate thread. Those two would lay around all day and take on different guys. Couldn’t get enough 🍆 at times.


>>4153 Guess that's not a shocker. Wonder what the going rate is for her or some vids


All these younger girls anyone have anything of Madison's sister? I always thot she is hot too bad she passed


She was a big Glenville whore too from what I heard


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Marlaina, she is hot


Is Cassie turning tricks in Glenville or has she moved? I’m gonna be in town in a couple months and wouldn’t mind hitting that again.


Last I heard both her and M@dison moved up near H@rrisv1lle in Ritch1e. Not too sure though. If you do get with her try to get some pics or vids to drop here. Not sure what the best way to get in **** with her for that is though


She been doing it 4 years in Glenville my buddy said he gave her money 2 fuck n she did thts how I know


Anyone know if she has an OF site?


Just ask her


What's her sn@p


It'd be great if K@itlynn Willi@ms was selling sex, I know that she has an slutfans but it'd be great to see her bounce. I heard that a facial clip was sent around but no clue on if it's real or not


her OF sucks it’s all paywall and way expensive. Once every few months she’ll post how she’s going to stop if people don’t start buying


Maybe soon if it gets bad enough she'll start giving favors for a buck


You'd think that there would be more OF's with how wild the chicks are in gilmer


I can tell you that Cassie does not shave her arm pits or vag anymore she’s naturally hairy these days


How was your last fuck with her, hopeful she isn't slacking these days


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We really need some S@vannah C0rrine in here. She definitely got around a bit and her stuff is probably divine


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Anyone have any wins on Marissa Dulude


Wins of kaitl1n c0rb1tt?


need more of this goddess


Goddess? Lmfao bro u sound like a clown, she's just a whore


That she is, it'd be great to get those wins or stories in here. Those tits and ass are too huge not too


Idk about you guys… but I love chores! Lol




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syd G


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Anymore Syd G


>>4621 I'm surprised a bunch haven't surfaced, I'm sure she put out a ton


Any good videos out there?


I've heard that there is a L0gan B0ssert video, and her sister probably has some wins out there as well. K@itlyn W1lliams has an of and has advertised some sex tapes and facial vids sent through sn4p so there is probably a few of those floating around as well


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Any L0gan stories. I bet that she is a good fuck


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Supposedly from Glenville. Anyone know who it is?


Any 07-12 graduates?


Any Caitlin Murphy?


^ Bmp would love to see her huge tits


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Any wins on Amber Pray I heard she used to get around and send nudes(USER BANNED - POST NUDES YOU VIRGIN - NOT FB TIER IMAGES)


I'll pay someone good 4 K@tie Sk!dm0re ass pics


Any class of 18-20. Ky1e $huff, tiff@ny c0le, rhe@ f1nley/mcc0rmick for example of the respective years.


Who is the bartender at talkies duck?!?


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Gotta be more Bree Wolf£ out there. Banged teachers and numerous black athletes at GSU.

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