Any of ky edwards
Let’s get a some jor3n, Em1ly, Layla, Adrianna D.,
Isn't Kathy fat as fuck now?
Taylor hinkle is fucking tia aurandt. Seb is an idiot
I dodged a bullet with shawney. Chick is completely nuts and blames the military for her being psycho. She wasn't even deployed. She needs a psych ward.
Any Brooke N(oland) Out there?
>>9621Watch as I post something..
*without* begging for something in return
everyone of those last 5 pics have been posted already nothing new there
drop name/slutfans name and i’ll sub for you
>>9653@spicy_but_cute Is Izzy’s
She posts decent stuff but I haven’t subbed in awhile
Yeah right. There's no Lonnie pictures.
I have Brooke K bj and doggie videos. I'll post for Casey (D)awn, Layla (S)below or Tawny (S)mola
Any Addisyn M(c)Gregor? Heard shes a slut
**** some wins for kyl€€ D¡{k
Let's get some more Meg@n B@ker/Osw@ld slut . They are out there. Heard she's got vids getting fucked.
Anyone got stuff of ginger Isabel H. used to be W.
Yall fantasize over the biggest dirtballs. Jayde Huber? Really? She murdered her **** and used to date that fat lesbian kelsi. Tf wrong with yall? Let's get some of the bitches living in sylvan east.
I heard ch3y3nn3 Ferris has OF. Anyone got the ****? Idk like to give her a ride.
Are you guys gonna post anything or just talk about who you have or who you wanna see bunch of trolls
>>9980Emily is an escort now lol. She posted it on her OF. She's going to Nevada to a ranch to escort this month.
who on earth would ever pay to fuck her
Emily looks like Miss Piggy.
>>9984Sites like these show me just how desperate some **** are lmao
Emily is an escort? Hahaha she's so fucking fat. Some **** are down right retarded. She's not even a cute heffer, she legit is ugly as sin. Hahahha this is too good.
Emily who?
If someone loses the B Hiler, I'll post the Kathy K.
You don’t have the Kathy k.. we’ve done been through this
Quit promising Kathy k. No one has her, if they do… they're about 15 years old by now. Who has her sister tiffany though?
>>10124Keera who? Not den33n? Not enough tattoos
>>10107I do have her and they're only like 2 years old. Your 10 year old reverse psychology isn't going to work lol. I told you, she was drunk at a bar with her friends and flashed full tits on Snap. I screenshooted it and have had it ever seen. Full nips. Someone post one person I asked, I'll happily drop it.
That was the most beta thing I ever read. What a fucking pussy. Post or shut up.
>>10137Yea, not more betta then trying to use reverse psychology to get someone to post a pic like we're 10. Lol gtfo bum. Post someone i requested or never get Kathy K. Makes no difference to me. I am the ONLY one who has her so Idgaf.
Just put the fries in the bag bro
>>10154Nah you don’t have shit. If
You did, you wouldn’t be here or you wouldn’t be trying so hard to prove you do. Stop lying. No one’s getting what you’re pretending to have. Don’t come back now, you’re just wasting everyone’s time.
>>10154Stupid dumb nigger. You've been pushing Kathy k for 2 years. She's fucking fat bro. Get your nigger ass out of here. We don't care about your life story bro.
>>10165That literally made zero sense and you're obviously illiterate. Wtf are you talking about? Pushing Kathy K for 2 years? Lol no dumb fuck look how many people ask and request here every single Altoona thread. I am not gonna drop her for you leeches who posted Noone I requested. Again, idgaf, you losers will never see her, I can every day:). Cheers!
If Peanut Gallary wants to chime in, at LEAST know what the F you're talking about. How am I trying so hard when ALL I did was RESPOND to someone asking for her, with who i wanted. If anyone drops a SINGLE win I asked for, I would happily drop the Keith. Welcome to the real world where things have to be fair. You leeches love to post Noone and get wins. Nope not how it works!
>>10167We don't care bro. Leave the site pussy.
>>10168You can keep trying to spin it like it’s us, but it’s been you the whole time. You don’t have any wins. None of us care about Kathy’s ugly ass OR you****gly ass. You don’t have any wins. So posting the same thing as NAUSEAM isn’t going to magically get you what you want. Demanding you get what you want isn’t going to convince any of us that you aren’t a liar. You’ve all but proven that’s all you’re capable of doing. Lying. Seriously, get the fuck away from this site. You’re ruining for everyone else.
>>10175Hahaha you're so retarded, it's hilarious. Noone cares for Kathy yet she's requested like 5-7 times each and every thread Altooma has. Once again calling me a "liar" isn't going to make me post her you little juvenile. You don't have to believe me, idgaf. So everyone else requesting wins is ok, but when I RESPOND to a request asking for a win, thays not ok? Yea, see how dumb you are? You're welcome!
Two retards fighting
What are Tia’s socials?