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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/oh/ - Any wins out there?

/oh/ - Ohio

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 No.4707[Last 50 Posts]

Any wins out there?


Michelle (s)trohl? Any other hot locals?


Any m@kinn@ h@ns0n?


Had m@kinda on old phone only one tho and couldn’t see much. I know they both get around so figured someone’s gotta have something lol.


Kry$ta tahyi?


Damn. Wanted to see Michelle for years 😂 out of all the sluts from moco I've seen in here she's not one sadly.


Skye Shaffer? Prolly butcher that name


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F3@th3r my3rs to get this started. Have a few more but not much if anyone else can contribute


Bunch of sluts and cheaters in this county gotta be somthing lol


Let’s see more F3@th3r


Don’t have more of her but have a few others just want someone else to contribute before I send everything


K1ya p. M@r!sa v?


Have k1ya p. M@r s1tes, sh@i@ p!ierce. For more f3ather or m!chelle str0hl


Posted one, post some then I’ll see what else I can come up with. Takes more than just one person to contribute homie


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M@r ****s


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K st***y from river queen.


Would love to see miche11e str0h1 or sh31by ly0ns even tho they both taken but I image they floating around or still sending em. Hell the one above I just sent is taken and she sent em


Not sure I know the one above but yea taken or not they send.


If ya got em let’s see em lol. Or someone get on the mission to get them lol


Love to see Dasia Johnson’s big tits


Let’s keep it goin!


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More of f3ath3r. Also on Ig @ lilly lira


Like nothing here


Any kayl@ scott?


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Anyone else got more of Becca Fox or Rylee Boyer?


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Keep this post going c@ssi3 p@rmit3r c0urtn3y m0rr0w, any of ‘14 F@ith 3rics0n, mir@nd@ c@1n


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Ginger Fesler


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There’s a hot chick with no thumbs at the triple nickle diner. Anyone have wins or know anything about her


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C3c3lia n0rman


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Kayla madak


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Apr1l r1ley
Tab1tha van0ster
Ha1ley d1ll3


Yall better post some good slot now that I've dropped multiple


Get this going


I've tried i dropped the last 4 lol


Any vids of kayla madak


Yes I have 1 or 2


Let's see more kayla
Who you looking for


We all just need to post and then others will post


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Brooke ho****


Who is this?


Good shit


Need fa!th Erickson


I had one picture of her but I think I deleated it either that or it's on a different phone


c@ssie c@in? m@y@ r@mos? kryst@ t@yhi?


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Am31la bart1mus


Is it fr??


What else we got?


Anyone got anything of Chloe Nott from glouster?


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Faith e. Any ****ney morrow?


Any others of her! Big hoe


Will post @idyn G@ble for Ke@l@ c00n


The same g@ble that was posted?


Completely different gable ones. More recent pics


Alexîş duFFý?


Nic0le harl0w?


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Any of them ****n3y M0rr0w would be a great Christmas gift


Who is this?^^


Yeah who is that^


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Fuck yes keep it goin


Still trying to figure out who the last one with the tats is


Who is the last girl?


Kristen H


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Miranda Cain


Someone drop more faith erickson and post her sister audri ill dump kiya


Or just drop what you have instead of announcing that you’re a holding faggot. This isn’t a bartering site. Post wins or kys



Then post up homie


Or you can kill yourself. You ain’t got shit nigger.



Neither do you. Lurking in the back. Typical moco racial slur btw


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Anybody got any Chloe Nott? Pic is Kaitlyn White


I thought this was for morgan county not zanesville?


Just post


Kaitlyn white lived in Morgan for about 7 years, went to Morgan hs and jr high and moved her at the end of junior year to zanesville


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Ashley Sparks, anybody have ****n Johnson or Savanna Hall?


Where was the kayla m video posted


Can you post a video on here? I have it


The pic of A.Sparks- asking for M3g@n J0hns0n


Yeah I've seen videos in here before


Until dude figures out the video let’s continue to drop some heat


When I try to upload the video it tells me, unknown file extension


Maybe try making it's own file folder
Let's leak her pics


Everyone just drop what you got! Make this epic


I posted all of her leaked pics lol


Class of 2019 anyone?


Jasmine young?


Can we get it started back up?



Post up then


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Tired of everyone saying post up, that’s how you know you have nothing so don’t comment, so again let’s get this going guys.


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Abb e


Any Andrea P@rs? Or class of 2012/13?


Kendr@ p0sey ?


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$av@nna. H@LL anybody got any Ki3rst0n Wr1ght or L3andr@ W@tt$


Canann sh? Or any of her friends?


I got a ton of Canaan. She used to sell


Let’s see em




D0m1 mass3y?


Any j@mie h@lfhill


F@ith @pp3rs0n? I’ve posted quite a lot hoping to get something going

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