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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? šŸ˜‰




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? šŸ˜‰


/ny/ - The Whore thats been fighting with the fat guy on heee

/ny/ - New York

Password (For file deletion.)

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The Whore thats been fighting with the fat guy on heee


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Tuck your chins in, darling.



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Canā€™t take a pic without a duck face and pose


lol all this girl has is appearance jokes. Nothing else. Imagine being completely broke and having to give your phone number out to guys you think are gross just to get $20. Might as well be a **** whore on the side of the road


Look at them saggy veiny titties.


Does she got a O F?


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We ****d the forehead sticking out haha

You need to clean yourself better. Itā€™s gross.



No thank you. Pics keep getting leaked


Not worth it she dont show tits



Who the fuck is this? Youā€™re obsessed with this guy.



What the fuck is that? 🤮🤢


Prob had to re-subscribe. How would you get food for the week without that $20?


So funny how she isnā€™t original at all. She talks about girls copying her posts and all she does is copy people here.


You rrealize you are having zero affect on anyoneā€™s life here right? These guys you post donā€™t care. Itā€™s not affected them one bit. You on the other hand. Jeez what do you even do when youā€™re not on here? Stick your finger in your ass cause you get no cock in real life?


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Letā€™s trace the veins


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Look how white trash this chicks house is..:oh yea and her asshole


Get your own material meth head


Pretty sure he hasnā€™t said anything bad about your appearance. Just calls you white trash..which you are.


Sooo you admit youā€™re white trash? Got it


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Look like a cartoon character that became real like beavis and butthead


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Attention general public:

This is tubby m0dfag. He is a 42 year old mentally incompetent tub of lard closeted homosexual who lives off disability checks in his m0thers b@sement in Islip Terrace. He buys nudes from women and creates fake ones using AI solely to post on this site for other men. If you havenā€™t ****d, 99% of the pics on this website are from circa 2008 or are bad fakes.

Both women and men have rejected him his whole life so he m0derates this website in a desperate attempt at bonding with other men and getting back at the women who heā€™s jealous of.

He has only 3 friends who are also brain damaged unemployed women/animal @busers: James Burke, Boris Darakchiev, and Timothy Kaczynski.

Itā€™s very sad.. anyways hereā€™s a few pics of him. He really needs to lose weight and get a life instead of obsessively posting my pictures everywhere after being rejected :(


When u have to delete my replies because youā€™re getting roasted so badly lmao what a fat pathetic coward. Everyone has already seen me humiliate you for months on end stupid slob and they all know I rejected you after you paid to see me naked lmfao


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ā€œtUcK yOuR cHiNs In DaRLiNgā€


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ā€œNot l0cked in yetā€ aka how do I tell this fat creep no without losing the OF subscription


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ā€œLoOk aT tHeM sAgGy vEiNy TiTtiEsā€


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Got called out for liking trannies then threw a tantrum and l0cked the thread because heā€™s the m0d here and has no life besides paying to be rejected by OF girls and then posting their shit her as r3venge because heā€™s an angry deranged fat blob who nobody will ever love 💀


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Fat loser literally just resubbed to me and is pretending Iā€™m not attractive so other guys donā€™t want me because heā€™s a fat jealous psycho who wants me all to himself 🤢🤢🤢🤢 genuinely repulsive and sad. Literally the only thing he has in life is harassing OF girls on here lmfao


So why donā€™t you block him, you stupid fucking idiot. You get off on this.


Youā€™re talking to several random guys here.

Go take your meds.


I did block him, and he used his psycho ****er technology to somehow subscribe again 😭😭😭😭😭 itā€™s insane like if I end up dead know that this fat blob did it heā€™s completely obsessed with me itā€™s insane


And everyone knows itā€™s just you fatty


If you actually b**** him on OF there would be no way for him to see your profile. But you clearly didnā€™t and love this shit. It def gets you off cause itā€™s the only thing that does since you are a virgin


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Nope heā€™s b****. Lol he uses some st@loser shit to still sub without his profile showing up somehow. Itā€™s really creepy. Fearing for my life at this point. This is why they say rejected men are dangerous.


If heā€™s not showing up that means he has you b**** not the other way around haha


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if he has me b**** then howā€™d
This happen? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lmaooo omg fatty are you trying to make it so that I CANT block you by blocking me? All I know is when I try to click your name your profile is gone. I assumed I b** you but it makes more sense that you want to virtually ** me by seeing me naked against my will on OF so you can keep leaking shit bc ur obsessed 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😥😥😭😭


Sheā€™s so hormonal.


Maybe he subscribed again then b**** you. Very possible. You clearly didnā€™t block him or he couldnā€™t have subscribed.


Either way it stands that he b**** me so I canā€™t block him as I intended to which is rapist behavior. Lol like I donā€™t want you subscribing to me fat retard. But you canā€™t get over being rejected itā€™s so funny


You intended to? You been going about this for 7 months? When were you intending to block him? Haha



Holy shit. Look at those eyebrows and head haha


You b**** me so I canā€™t block you. Stop trying to rewrite the narrative you fat pathetic pig. Youā€™re embarrassing yourself 😂


I feel so bad for Danny. Poor bastard has to see his sisters nudes leaked everywhere


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ā€œHoLy sHiT lOoK aT tHoSe EyEbRoWs AnD hEaDā€

Bro has the dead eyes of a r4pist


I feel like I was virtually r4ped by this obese cow and heā€™s fantasizing that Iā€™m ā€œobsessed with himā€ by me reacting to him repeatedly leaking my nudes all over the internet 😫 he needs to be l0cked Up


Stop stressing. Itā€™s unhealthy to be upset when youā€™re in your condition.


Stop r4ping me then pig🤢🤮🤮


This guy died months ago. Please let him rest in peace.

Youā€™re a horrible person.



M0dfag pretending heā€™s dead 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Iā€™m loling


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His **** is still subbing to my OF and leaking the pics somehow 💀💀💀 nice try m0dfag




You have zero respect for anyone else.


Coming from a fat psycho who m0derates and weap0nizes a r3venge p0rn site against the women who reject him lmao


Virtual r4pe doesnā€™t exist you mouth breather. Hope you get actually r4ped.


It actually does. Youre virtually r4ping me.


Did Danny **** you



Those are udders.


M0dfag is a virtual r4pist of OF girls and hes a fat heifer who wants no one else to have me 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮


This dyke is **** 🥱



Wow she does have a double chin.


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M0dfag gets caught defending M2F trannies and starts making up that Iā€™m a dyke 💀


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ā€œWoW sHe DoEs HaVe A dOuBLe cHiNā€



This fat retard is so mentally challenged he thinks is believable that no other threads on this entire site get any replies but magically there are tons of people (that arenā€™t him!!!!) replying to pics of him to defend himā€¦ LMAO sure fat retard


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LMFAO this fat nigga is using the same app this catfishing bitches use to pretend they have ass and titties to fantasize that Iā€™m pregnant 😂😂😂😂😂🤣 wtfff


Ew sheā€™s gross.

Poor baby


Why is he pretending Iā€™m pregnant this is crazy 😂😂😂

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