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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/mich/ - Saline? 04-08 preferred

/mich/ - Michigan

Password (For file deletion.)

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Saline? 04-08 preferred








I have saline wins and ypsi if anyone else does?


I have some ypsi wins


Post saline and others will why bother with holding and trying to bargain?


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Here post all you got ypsi/saline


Any names for these?




Top pussy is kacy h 08, then I forget her name with the tit pic saline/Ypsilanti older maybe 06, Kayla with the perfect tits from Ypsilanti , small blonde is saline 07, the 2nd pussy is tabetha t 07, last tits is kayla d Ypsilanti


Damn how/where did you get a Kacy H? Would definitely be interested in more of her if possible. Do you have more of her?


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Keep going


Bump for Jupiter Julie


Jupiter Julie? Also throw out what you have to post. She unsuccessfully tried to do OF awhile back.


Jupiter Julie. Because the drugs made her so spacey lol. And I will have to do some digging to find her old stuff. Heard there is a video with her and a few black guys


There is I’ve seen it but I don’t have it. Who else do you have?


There gotta be more that you people that visit this thread aren’t posting lol… let’s all dump our treasures and make this the best thread




Does anyone have Kelli Cutright? Or Kristy Chapman?!


Who do you have while you’re looking for Kelli?


Why do so many people ask for content but not post what they have to contribute.


Who has the Chelsea mor*c 08 and the brittney rig* 09 I believe? I’ll post more later when I dig around


I remember seeing one Chelsea M pic is that what you’re talking about or are there more?


Yes!! The one for pic of Chelsea m year 08! Do you have it???


Where are the pictures and videos of Julie? Never went to school there but met her quite a bit. Would post if I had any. Sorry


I’d have to look… don’t remember if I saved that one or if I have it still. Might be on an old backup. Have you dug up your stuff yet?


Yeah I have a bunch more. Just super interested in the Chelsea m


Who do you have? Specifically from 04-08 range preferably are you going to post it? You seem to keep skipping that part lol


So you’re not actually planning to post anything huh? Even if I found the Chelsea pic


Quit frontin! If you had the chels pic you would have posted it already. I ain’t gonna be the only nigga contributing when you guys ain’t got shit other than what I posted on older threads if you dumb fucks can even find them 🙄


Lol your little psychology game isn’t going to work. I have the Chelsea pic but you’ve said several times you have a bunch and won’t post it so can’t we use the same logic? “If you actually had it you would’ve already posted it!” This is why this thread dies. People lying like you claiming they have stuff they don’t and won’t ever pull the trigger.

I have no issue sharing but if you’re gonna be a dbag and liar there’s no reason to give you what you want. If you’ve truly got something “new” from 04-08 share it and you’ll get your Chelsea pic


You’re wicked retarded kid. I shared the 6 pics already and the kacy. You literally ain’t got shit that’s why you’re begging me and haven’t posted shit. You’re literally talking to a guy who was a popular jock and got to fuck all the girls you’re wanting to see 😂


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Still waiting on the Chelsea m hahaha


You have no idea who you’re talking to or what I have but based on the pics you just shared, I don’t recognize any of them and none of them are “hot” or the girls I wish I got to fuck lmao. Not to mention I’ve already shared here and other boards as well but good talk.

Who even are these girls, any names? They are mostly all of the large variety. I have to get the Chelsea pic from my computer to my phone. Stop acting like a total asshat and this could actually be fun for all


Okay sure. Post the Chelsea pic and I’ll post more. The glass dildo is Megan a 08, above her is be from dexter, the first pussy pic is tabetha I know 😬 06? Then Julie again. The big ass for pic is Colin farre*s ex of 08 I forget her name


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See? No need to be so hostile


Colin Farrell? Do you mean Cory Farrell? Would that be Claire P?


What pic are you saying is his ex?


Yeah Cory farrel. And no not Claire. I forget her name right now. She was the ginger chick with huge titties


Does anyone have the Brittany rigg 09 I believe?


Do you have anymore from 07 or 08? That Kacy or Megan group maybe?


Any chance you’re willing to lost who you have or are you planning to post it all?




Yeah I have more I can post and I’ll give a better list of names. All are 08. Do you have the Brittany rigg? I know it’s her ex who leaked it Mitch


Don’t have that one sorry… looking forward to your posts though… are you posting tonight?


Do you have anything with their faces?




Where’s your 08 batch homie?


Still waiting


Was dude just hustling for the Chelsea pic?


Who are you looking for in 08? I have some Ypsilanti wins too I came across


Can you list who you’ve got and I’ll tell you who I’d have interest in?


Just Saline


The main interest I have is people I actually know of, not just random 08 people that’s why I’m saying it that way


I have to dig, but I have katelyn lambers*n 08 gross I know. Brooke dunusk3e 09 Megan adam$ 08 dildo in pussy pic, Liz Marie 09, Paige taylo* 07 and some more


Brooke and Paige would be good, and if Megan or Kacy have any more. But please let me know what else you find when you dig


Anyone have anything?!


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Here Tamara paige brooke


Brooke was worth it for sure, that looks like she did nude photo shoots? Does she do trampfans or something or where did that come from?


How do yall delete comments


Anyone else have stuff from 04-08 range? Would love to load this board up


Can someone try and get Tamara blev*ns 09. She got her titties done! She may sell pics even


Any reason you can’t do that?


Yeah she’s one of my exes and hates me


Lol couldn’t you just make a fake account and ask?


What else exists? Cmon guys




Any life here?






I can’t imagine nobody visits this page, who’s got something new?(USER BANNED)


Bro shit the fuck up!! I have all of them but ain’t contributing shit. You guys ain’t got shit to post and I’m not gonna be the only nigga postin. This thread is dead so give it the fuck up faggot(USER BANNED)


Lmao, you have no idea what anyone else has… why the little man rage? Something tells me you don’t have much more yourself or you got the secondhand because acting like the man **** you aren’t certainly isn’t what chicks want(USER BANNED)


My favorite part is he thinks others need to post to justify him posting when in fact everyone who does that gets nowhere.

Who gives a shit what others have or haven’t posted if you have something why are you being a little bitch instead of throwing out who you have to contribute? The guy who had Chelsea even said if you post yours he’d give it to you and he did… stop acting like a high and mighty dbag not to mention dropping the N bomb when you’re from saline good lord(USER BANNED)


First of all I ain’t from saline. Just fucked all your stupid hoes. So fuckkkkk you nigga hahah. Second I’m the one who posted every pic in this thread besides 3 of them you fucking retard. Keep begging for shut when you ain’t got nothing to post(USER BANNED)


Lol I can count more than 3 that I myself have posted. Apparently you are a straight nigger acting all high and mighty over a few nudes. I’ve got plenty to post but you acting like a hoodrat isn’t going to get them. Plus I’m not even convinced you have any more. You have already listed what you apparently have and whatever may be left is nothing special ‍♂️ come talk to me when you’re not a delusional cuck(USER BANNED)


Youre both degenerate monkeys and should do the world a favor. Delete your genes from the pool. Thanks in advance.(USER BANNED)


Thread locked as no nudes being posted you all r just bitchin like a bunch of retards

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