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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/mas/ - Fall river girls

/mas/ - Massachusetts

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 No.4181[Last 50 Posts]

Fall river girls


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Brittany S.


Any B@iley V!centë or S@r@h Ëddy?


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Herd @spunky1515 on OF was from the River anyone else follow her and confirm.


Any Cassie C? Rhymes with Osta.




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anyone got more of her harley


Any Becca $alvagg1?


Any rach siscoe?


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Looking for ashl3y nic0le trampfans name someone be a hero


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4925 who's that?


Alexis Fleming from burrilville Rhode island, trying to spread the slut all over


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Who got Jenn Y wins


Who got any of the St James crew?


Any new heather c@bral wins


Any heather c@bral old or new?


Anyone have Kyl!e M0n!z


Anyone have the whiskifox trampfans videos she used to send?


Any tayla D@vis?


Let’s c some of the st James crew.


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Ciara sullvn


Trying to get me some bethany silva


Any amanda c


This is my ex Sam m0n!z. She takes a pounding clearly as she was caught in my bed with 3 dudes. Here’s her trampfans where she sells her content. @Spunky1515 enjoy fellas as I’m done with her.


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Any have Kayla?


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@shley P@ulin0 wins? 1 of fall rivers biggest sluts


@****86 does she do meet ups. Or sell content.


Where’s the vid of Teyla fucking and giving head to some black guy


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@6554 I’ll post vid for chelsea c wins


Which teyla you got?


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Anyone have pics of Darrian S.?


Teyla Sirois ?


Post her sucking then


I’ll drop wins if someone post a legit video of teyla suckin and fuckin I got a buncha of chelsea




Anymore Fall River sluts there’s gotta be more that city got plenty of hoes



Bring your lists no games



I have Tehya sucking that dude dick video tried to post it wouldn’t let me says file can’t be read


T@tiana bel.tre those tits have to be out there


Rebecca $alvagg1?


Screen shot the Tehya video


Leanne was posted before . Someone please post her tits again


any of the goth girl lexi


Any Rebecca chouin***


Where’s that guy with all the H3ath3r Fol3y stuff? Still hoping for a vid


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Jessica P. Any more of her


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Nobody got wins on this slut


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Who’s got Alyssa M or any of her sisters


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H3@th3r Fol3y



damn, thats some serious tumbleweed crotch :(


Any Andie d@$ilva


Any vids?


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Looking for Kendall S


Any more Jessica P?


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So who's posting Sirois?


7719…..who is that?


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T sirois


>>7721 who’s got her taking dick


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That's what I'm asking, need to see her with a dick in her mouth


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Chelsea C ….. Would love to see her


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Forgot her O. F name


T Sirois looks like a little boy no ass/titties lamest hoe. Bump Chels Carreiro


Bump Kendal Sheehan and chels costa


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They both mid. Who you postin


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Got anymore Charlene


Is she on O fans?


any Kendall S?


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Gotta be some of Nikki T floating around


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Anyone have Ash Rio ux content from O F?


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>>7752 someone gotta have her giving head


Any fallon gonsalves


Anyone have anymore Jessica P?


please post Nikki T !


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Any more of Jess L (amb ert)


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Ashley Rio ux OF


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Sexy ass nurse , anything on her?


Any c0urtney c@bral?


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Ashleyrae c


got anymore ARae ?


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any more of Savannah B ass ett e


7836 name?


Any lind3y S@ntos? Skinny bitch that likes to fuck


What’s Chelsea c0sta onlyfan name and anyone got her friend Sydney.


Someone has to have falyn m. Young thot


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Anymore arae


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Any Cassie?


Any Monique Cabral?


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If you got a list and the d **** join up

More a Rae for post


Bump n.t. Will ****


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Any Rebecca


Caroline O?


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Bump for f@lyn Mc3lr0y. Someone said they had them but held out



Yess more Kayla please. Such a good girl


jennn y whose got em gotta be wins with slutty body


>>6225 so sexy


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whose got em i know she has nudes on old thread initials jy


Anyone got Sydney or Makayla P0nt3


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Kendall S


Kylee B?


Any old or new heather c




Black trans girl works at the savers I'm Fall River, anyone know her name?


Looking for more of that Jessica P. ?


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Any Lexi M.


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Any Ella G.


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D3sir33 D3Oliv3iri@ would love to see her


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Ali A, OF name alzroyalty


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Kylee B Class of 2016


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Need here stat have Lexi M


Got Sevana Ferriera who has more


Anyone have Savana T3x (r@p0so)


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Tyannah M anyone got anything. Heard she dies meet and vids


Any more of her?



Anyone got any from the fall river Walmart? Alot of Spanish hot chicks work there in the mornings.


Search Teyla 24 on E rome


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What's E rome?


Anyone have any girls from Fall River savers ?


I have quite a few girls from savers


Where them savers girls at


You got falyn m?


Bumping rach siscoe


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Who’s got Kayla ?


Heard she just made an OF


After that last post you gotta post them savers girls lol


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Got Charlene p O fans



How he o.f anything good?


Charlene’s stuff any good ?


Think she's just starting but so far so good


Any taayla d@vIs out their?


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Anything on T ?


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Any new he@ther Fol3y


Any heath3r ca brAl


Is ch@rlene p OF legit ?


Can someone repost Tenisha F again? “Tenne “


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Tenne F


Britt or Melissa f ? The stripper twins


Been trying to find her for years
I know there's some out there just haven't got posted unfortunately


<<9291 I have like 6 or 7 girls that works at savers o****se to work there not posting until I see some girls I want sorry buddy


Why even mention having them if you’re not going to ever post them? Who are you waiting to see?


So everyone knows someone is in here that has girls from savers,
Im waiting to see Tanisha R(tee sosa), Kiara A, Cassandra C, and bailey B anything on them other then what's on their socials and Ill post all the savers girls I have including falyn


Yeah like that’s gonna happen.


I know for sure Tanisha has pics out there she post half naked pics all the time then deletes them quick whoever has them just needs to stop holding out and post them


Dude isn’t ever gonna post his wins so don’t bother. Most likely he doesn’t have any and just wants people to post what he wants. It’s basically just his word that he has all those people and if he had them he’d post them already.


Your dumb name a few girls that works at savers or did work there and I'll prove I have them dummy but I'm not gonna be the only one posting what everyone wants and I'm getting shit makes no sense everything that's been posted in here is either asking for someone or a picture that's been posted everywhere shits boring


How are you gonna prove you have them unless you post them?


So post falyn…prove that


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Any Tamara p


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Charlene tramp fans pretty legit


I'll censor the pics name a few other then falyn not posting her at all


>>9607 because you don’t have her lol there goes your proof


Charlenes body, pretty legit.


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Anyone got this chick? Selene N


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Who has a T s/irois folder/dropbox?


Is Charlene O fans worth it or na


Anyone got Bri@nna Con-n0lly or sister a$hley


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Any Kayla ree ohhhhh rioux


Bump for Kayla and the tenne f leaks


Sharing on the ****
Tvtribs99 find me have tons


K I k


You got falyn? Lll


Anybody got anything of Tiffany Do Rego


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Lori T they were floating around for awhile hope someone has them


What's up let's keep this page going! Anyone have any new Fall River pics ?


Some one post the tenne pics I know someone gottem


Any good OF ****s??


Any good O F L I n k s


OF. @spunky1515


OF @ bratbanksx


Brat banks OF good, great private content and very active, finally. Most these chicks post once a week


Any blonde Tara from Walmart


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Tar* from Walmart


File: 1716052730535.png (8.23 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2453.png) ImgOps Google

Shann*n C*rreira


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Blonde Tara from Walmart takes alot of pics and nudes. Surely there's got to be alot more out there.


Got alot from small Jess@e and he@ther to share soon.



Where they at


Which heather lol


I know someome got them Lauren.l0uks wins


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Veronica tav


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Lets keep these going




any Bailey B i s son ?


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Any new twins stuff


What’s her OF


Any Charlene p


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Old pic of tara


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Here's a Charlene P pic w/ her OF …..looking for some Nikki T a l bo t




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Who has Sam VerTentes


Anyone have any pics of the Shaws girls?


Anyone have anymore of Savannah Bas sett e??


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That her


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PLEASE tell me someone has some pics of this thick fine ass


Anyone have any t@li@ d ?


Bump for falyn lol


That thick chick is an escort .takes in calls
In nb . Her IG is vanilla_ting .poosy reeks


bump for tene


Samm A**uda ?? She sent out plenty before


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Charlene tramp fans



Any Savanah s


Any shannon du prs


Bump tene f


Bump for falyn lol just be a hero and drop the win.




Where are the L@uren L0ucks


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Tenne F …..looking for her wins


File: 1718907989632.jpg (223.51 KB, 1079x1867, image.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Still trying for tara


someone posted tenne's butt plugged and tatted tits one time but the board archived

bump for tenne f, l mitz, k Barbosa, m botelho, e looker


Erica has a slutfans. Cherrybanxx


Anyone know the blonde light skin that works at cosmo d****ensary ?


Post the tene pics


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Who’s this??


Any fetish friendly OF girls


Bump for more fr slits


Any crystal hill?


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Nothing with Kay la yet huh people?


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More fr hoes let's go


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Anymore of Tenne F


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Who has her Alicia or her man Nate who is on fetlife ?


There gotta be more of tene she had of for a while. Someone post them


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He@ther r@p0s0 ?


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Anything on Samantha?


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Looking for Jess


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Clarissa D anyone ?


Omg someone PLEASE for the love of God be a hero and drop Clarissa D !!!!


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Any Amanda T floating around


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Any Kayla R out there massive tits


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Bree !?!


I got 2 pics of Clarissa if anyone has Bree or heather ?


None of you clowns got Clariss


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anyone got this gem C@ndice C0rrei@ ? Works at Foxy in Prov


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here’s J0celyn Albern@z


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Christina S barber chick from da riv


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Anyone got Maddy, she def got something out there


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What’s the chance of Jenn o ?


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M@ri@ B nurse @ CMH




Kayla or tene or anything fr sluts let's see em


Bump for Maddy P


ANYTHING , Maddy P, Maria B, Heather R, Clarissa D, Tenne F, Bre ! ANYTHING ?


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Bump for Jess


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Lookin for some april s


Anyone got kaelee or her sis bre huge slut got to be something


Be a hero with april


Some one be a hero


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anyone know who this sexy slut is?


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Ten f, for your pleasure lol


April s would be amazing!


I don’t even know why dude looking for nudes of bre sue ain’t even that type of chick




Ya bre is she used to fuck dudes to crash at there place


More hoes pls


Who got Kayla r


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Any Sarah eddy wins


Sweet mother of pearl


Any fuck vids of H3ath3r F0l3y?


I wish, would love to see some new pics to


You know her/fuck her?


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Any Heather M wins?




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Heather (M)




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Shannon D




Any j3ssi nic0le???


Sierra m?


marylesie r, Hilllary m,


Kim dias


****ney Morrison


Any Leah Warren
Melissa Medeiros


Lissette hermans


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anyone got anything on Devinie?


Bump Heather (m)


bump new heather m


Bump heather f


Where’s the vids of T sirois giving head


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Dakota. Anyone got new Somerset girls?


T@y la d@vis?


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Cl@ riss@


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Who has Sam D I ll on 's fine ass ?


Any Charlene p ? Know she has OF somewhere


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Any joane


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Here's Charlene…..look closer to the center of the pic for her Oh Eff


Tenne F is a self proclaimed blowjob queen, anyone have it?


Sevana Ferriera post em up


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New Heather (M)




Won't be seeing anything new from ARae anytime soon….she got sent to ****


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New Heather (M)



Whoever tryna find Jessi Nicole you’re never gonna find anything lol


Tell em!! If you want Jessi you need to go to a dirty bar and give her cheap coke like the rest of us


New Heather (M)


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New Heather (M)



Bump New heather


Any one got Alyssa M Diman Class of 2015?


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B1anca tello


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Kael33 treel0ar Anyone got her sis bre or any diman class 16-19


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I know someone has to have more rach siscoe


What's Gianna last initial


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Sh@nn0n C0rreir@


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Ver0nica Carreir0 ???


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Tara Leigh


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Any of her?


@lyss@ tex? Som/FR


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Who this n who got more?


Any Chelsea costa of?


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CrYst@l R. Wins??


Last name?^


Any bruna n


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Kayla b. Would LOVE to see more


Bump cause yes


Becca S4lv4gg1 anyone?


Any new L mitz out there?


Any Jessie e


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H@illey O


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Sam M


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T@ra Leigh


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T@ra Leigh


Any of @pril boyer. Sure there must be some


Ali Driscoll?



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