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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/mas/ - Lets get this going again. Starting with the KG from last thread

/mas/ - Massachusetts

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 No.10038[Last 50 Posts]

Lets get this going again. Starting with the KG from last thread


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There's so much potential


Any Rosaida R, Mya S or Melissa M, Lissette L?


Looking for some FSU girls
Nicole C0n*, Marisa Cus*, Emily J,


Anyone from the '13-'15 LHS classes?
Some serious sluts there


Any Leah Ar?


Bump (man the other threads are popping off)



which Nicole C?


Karley G


(Can’t figure out how to individually reply)
Nicole last name rhymes with -John Key-


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this her?


KG have an OF? I’ll buy


Bump for any of ****ney Ay0tte. Has trampfans and always posting slutty pics on social media


C0urtn3y ^^****


(Idk how to reply) yeah that Nicole.






I have kg if you guys have some I’ll post


Start it up


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Just leave her alone




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Kg is probably one of the hottest chicks around


Any new brooke L?


Bump kg


KG last name?


Any Nayeli? (Formerly Ort*ga)


Bump KG and anyone from that period of LHS. Some serious hot women there


Bump big Leominster tits




I know karley had of if anyone had that


Kg She did too bad it got deleted she was amazing maybe she’ll do it again!


KG last name or socials? I’ll just slide in and buy stuff directly from her. Probably would if she did of already


Liv T*th or Kylie Br*m?


Any Su51E T1mm0ns used to have OF @Susie_xowie


Any Lianna B or Ari G?


Bump kylie


Anything anyone!


KG OF was Suckmykitties3 but she deleted it. Couldn't find any remnants of it either.


Anyone know what Steph Bu ja's trampfans is/was? She used to promote on Twit ter xheadphanie but it got banned and she made you ask for the li1nk. Her current Twit ter is brevvvity if someone doesn't mind asking for me.


Kg should do OF again she was a baddie


Someone drop Nayeli O, Lussier sisters, or Kylie Brum they’re definitely out there


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Let’s get a NM thread going here, bunch of Townsend and pepperell hoes


Bump Kylie brum and alexa pizzuti


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Anyone got C0urtney Ay0tte? OF is apayaqueen and she’s always posting slutty stuff on social



$20 and barely shows titties dont bother


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Did some searching and found this of her


Can we get a re up on any Sarah Sav. Bump this post, make it hot boys


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Who’s this? Let’s get more




More Karley ass


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She’s brunette now and looks way better she should could be famously hot


Does she?


I hope one day you all have daughters who express themselves in private and they get exploited all over and they want to cry themselves to sleep every night so you can feel how you make girls feel. Losers go get a gf and stop being a creep


My gf's ugly I'd rather jack off to you. Show that pussy


Can we move onto someone else, who else do you guys got ?


Who do u want to see?


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The respect women stuff made sense 100 years ago when most women were ladies. It's a bit different in 2024 when most "women" have had 40 different dicks before they're old enough to order a drink. Saying respect women in the age of trampfans moms and mouthy entitled feminists is a bit rich. Maybe women should respect themselves and not act like whores whenever their fathers aren't around


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Can I just ask what Karley did to you that’s making you want to torture her ?


Torture? Im here for ass and tits


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What tits? Those are pecs


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Wow she’s so hot who is this?? Anymore videos?


Karley G


Last name any more pics??


Who wants to see her getting fucked?


Are there wins of that??


I'd like to see something new of kylie b and alyssa b, but i'll watch karley fuck



Perfect pink taco right there


Would love to see her in action


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Maly, McKayla, Brittany P anymore?


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Forgot maly


Let’s see kg


K Brum would be so nice


Idc to see anymore Kg let’s get more McKayla, didn’t she have an trampfans ?


Any wins of Alayna D? She used to be on here alot


Karley the top one?


No that’s McKayla B, bump more of her



Hell yeah bump maly





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Bump Callee M


Bump alexa p giant tits


A lot of KG


There can never be enough of that hot slut


Eva B? From Leo/ Gardner area.


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Karley in action?


I want to wear her panties as a mask


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Does anyone have Carley E?


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Any video on kg


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That Karley?





Pretty sure that maly


post that maly OF



Have anything else any vids??


Any Fitchburg State girls?
Nicole Con*, Sofia B, Emily J, Libby Tay*

The list goes on


Is there a vid? Or does she still have OF?


Keep going


Moar!!!!! That looks so tight


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We need that video


Look at that asshole it's definitely taken a few dicks and is begging for more


Where are the fuck videos?
Keep going!
Any stories??


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Vid please!! I'd eat another guys cum out of her just to get a taste



fucking legend. you have any more?


Don’t stop


The only dick I want to see is one fucking one of Karley holes. Who ever has those vids needs to nut up already


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Be a hero and post the vids


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She’s so fine


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Just keep posting


I fucked her once her pussy was so tight it was almost painful.



Nah we're all good no more, post someone else.


Shut up pussy you sound gay as fuck little fag who cares about a whores feelings lmaoooo post that bitch too the moon 😂😂


More detail!! Did she suck your dick? Did you fuck her ass?


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More of that tasty cunt!!! I want to suck her juices off her fingers Let's see that cunt spread wide open


Dick sucking skills were 5/10 Fucking skills were 9/10 tits 7/10 ass 10/10 she freaked out when she felt my dick hit her asshole, even though I wasn't trying to fuck it.


Tell us more! Where did you cum. She do anything freaky? She a screamer? Squirter?


I came in her mouth, pulled out and accidentally shot on her face, and came a third time inside her. Shes not a screamer but she moans loudly. Not a squirter but she was super wet when I went down on her but not as much when we were fucking. She's so tight it was so hard not to cum quick


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No condom?


Raw dogged, and she swallows. She grinded my face and kept squeezing my head with her legs when I ate her pussy.


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So fine


You think so?




Keep going


If she was locked in a room with you what would you do?


Chat elsewhere?


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To the guy that slept with her, how long ago was that



>>11****0 2 years ago about why you fucked her too?


What positions did you fuck her in?


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Missionary, doggy, cowgirl she seemed to like cowgirl the most


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At this point kg should be in the industry!


Anyone have Tyler russ.. pretty sure he’s a cop of sorts penis picks


Why am I the only one sharing Im done until someone else shares


I’m wondering why you shared this much of pictures you paid money for and giving away for free


Do you have any other girls to share ?


Let’s see Kylie Br*m, Liv T*th or Nayeli Ort*ga


There’s a girl named Carley Bass… she has an trampfans her names Carley E… on there she has like 500 posts.. anyone have her ? She’s posted above in the green lingerie


Everyone deserves to see that leominster famous ass, perky n**** and that tight cunt


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I ate that booty hole and she loved it


Show her feet!


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Those n**** could cut glass


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Keep going….
I have fapped so much the last 3 days over her that my dick is sore, and nothing comes out when I cum


Still looking for some Le@h Arp@no


Expired!? Got a new one


Any new ** for the **m??


The TGram isn’t working, like previous ppl mention, any updated **** for it?


If she was my girl I wouldn’t even be mad at this point I’d just be laughing my ass off


IMO KG is an incredible girl, she has some serious dedication and discipline in the gym!


Yall fucked up by being this thirsty and pathetic. She got even hotter somehow with an even nicer ass, and now she will never make an OF again so you will never get to see


I didn’t sub to her only but I appreciate people posting her stuff fo****s. It’s a shame that people ruined a good thing. There’s always a bad apple that spoils the bunch


You appreciate people posting? But that's exactly why she will never do another OF. That's how they fucked up. I


Yeah bro you appreciate it, but I wonder how she feels if she ever found out. She’d be devastated I bet. It’s sad


How about she wants to kill herself.. So how would you feel if she kills herself all because you wanted to jack off


Exactly my point! Shits not cool. Just stop with it already


Imagine being a faggot posting a girls nudes just so you can jerk off to the thought of other dudes jerking off to her.. Fucking gross


Guy scammed no fuck videos


MG isn’t like that, so of course there isn’t any fuck videos. She is not a whor3 by any means necessary


It's time for yall to move on


Fr, OP is lowkey sad af for posting these. Time to move on and stop being weirdos obsessing over girls that turned you down at some point


I'm just trying to see the biggest titties possible


What about a new chick


Who could be posted?


How about no chicks lol, if you want em, ask for em. Or sub to their page. Stop being weird


Yooooooooo I hooked up with this chick back in the day she loved being spanked


You 100**** didn’t hookup with KG 🤣🤣


Wym I beat that ass blue, pinched, slapped and flicked her nipples, and chocked her with my hand and cock she loved all of it


No you didn’t 😂


Just stop replying to defend her she doesn't need white knights she just needs this thread to die and disappear


Stfu she just doesn't want people to know how much of a cock hungry whore she is. She always has men around her she fucks to keep doing shit for her. Trust me I know I did her a favor and suddenly she didn't give a shit about me anymore. I wish I saved what she sent me. I would have exposed her even more than these people did


Licked Kgs tight little asshole and her pussy was dripping wet from it. Only girl I ever fucked who I heard queef


She wanted me to lay under her pussy while her boyfriend fucks her and clean he****p after


I fucked her in the woods by Coggshall she was being so loud I thought we would get caught


She kept moaning daddy


she would always play with herself in the car


I would suck on those nipple for long periods of time they were so fun to play with


Kg would always **** when she was mad at her bf She wouldn't even say hi she would just send a nude


She constantly would have her hand on her pussy. I'd wake up next to her and she would be playing with herself she seemed always horny, she was always wet and ready to go


She would make me watch her play with herself and then she would sit on my face so I could finish her off and she would cum all over me


If I finished in her before she cummed she would sit on my face and have me finish her off with my cum dripping out of her


She would grind my face so hard when I went down on her I could feel bone


Her pussy juice is sweet her clit is super sensitive


Her boss would fuck her in the office while the gym was still open


She would hickey so easy but was always scared of having marks


She would send me nudes while she was working


I fucked her once and there were bruises oh her legs from someone else holding them up


She would beg for me to cum inside her, and would get mad when I didn't


She would sit naked on my sto****h dripping, grinding teasing the fuck out of me until I forced myself in her


Her fantasy was to be watched but she backed out when I had someone willing


She loved a good shower fuck


Her inner thighs are sensitive and she loves having her pussy slapped lightly


She couldn't really handle my cock I could never tell if her moans were from pain or pleasure


She would get so horny right before her period she could barely control herself


Enough with the fake shit move on


Yall need to go touch some grass. By the way you are talking, you def never got with her 😅 nice fantasy though


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Blurry art, but good!


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Nastiest grossest town in the state you couldn't pay me to touch a bitch from fitchburg. I wouldn't eat there, I wouldn't drink water from there, everything about fitchburg including the people in it is fucking gross


Those are some old ass photos, look at the camera on the phone 😅 dayuuuummm


KG has a nicer ass tits and probably cunt too


Move on bruv


KG gets so horny she moans just from making out


She would suck my balls


She can't sleep at night if she doesn't get off


She let's her dog lick her pussy


She liked fucking in public places and with doors open, she wanted to get caught


posted some trampfans at cl(****)gy/zEaMF







What ****??


Whats the ****


Obviously this is a troll


She would fuck on her period


We fucked on her roomates bed


This guy is living a constant fantasy 😅


Dude stop pissing this guy off. How can’t you see everytime you piss him off it gets him going again? Just stop.


Yes please leave him alone bro 🙏


So we aren't going to see Karley get her cheeks tenderized like a chicken cutlet?


Disgusting spicnest. Fuck fitchburg. ICE is gonna depopulate it fast after November


She works out so much that ass is pure muscle, it would be like humping a boulder


Her ass is so nice she loved when I bent her over her bed and pounded her so hard She wanted her roomate to hear the pounding


Tele ****?


She would always wrap her legs around me to make sure I would cum in her


We would fuck and then she would fuck her bf


As someone who did actually have sex with her. You are full of shit most of the shit you have said is wrong


Fake ****?


I have KGs fingering shower video but anyone have the toy one?


There should be a ton she had a drawer full of toys. Horniest girl I know she says she plays with herself multiple times a day


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Alyssa Burg from her old tumblr.


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Alexa P as requested


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Savana H3aps


Bump more alexa and alyssa


Let's see devyn c's giant ass


Bump. Especially LHS 2013-ish


I want to pump that dumper full of baby juice




Bump more alexa p. She loves showing off those tits




Any gianna p?


Bump KG


Bump kg vids


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Anyone have more?


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Any of All*** L??


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Names on the last 3?


emma f?


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will keep dumping OC and rares if more people keep posting

alyssa burg
alayna d
amanda g
jess b and christina n


Bump more of Alyssa's fat tits


Who’s this?


KC rhymes with?


Bump Jess B and Christina N!


Anyone have amber t? she used to have of


Any OFS?



Anyone got any allyana r-t wins


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Aly Bon illa anyone have more?


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Erin katheryn used to have an OF before she got sober errriin_xoxo anyone have more of her?


Let’s get more KG AND Brooke L


Bump more kg


Any more?


Bump. Have to have more people than just KG. Between the insanely hot chicks that went to LHS from 2010-2020 and Fitchburg state why are we so stuck on KG


The anymore? comment was to KG it was too another girl


It wasn’t to KG **


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Evile H. posts on Reddit looking for hookups


>>12718 name?(USER BANNED)


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bump for alyssa b. would be eternally grateful


Samantha S or Alicia D? McKayla B boyfriend **** up. Pretty sure someone can get some pics of her blown out snatch 🤣


Katherine miller?


Thread revive?


Just flat out dead huh?


We need more classics


Any Abby P?

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