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that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉



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Huntingdon girls Anonymous 03/07/2023 (Tue) 01:33:45 No. 5942
Shay from huntingdon who has others
Cmon fellas let’s go!
Took the green out.
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Anyone have Lyza Spy ker? Gotta be some of her out there.
What about maya hall, Taylor McAleer?
I’d give both nuts to see maya. So sexy
Who is Maya Hall if she's worth both nuts?
Any wins from JV girls? Probably not but worth the ask
Anything on Maria b.oyd?
Kendra (w)orthy
And just like that it’s dead. Had a good little run.
Who’s the grey sweatpants girl?
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Got any more?
H@iley sh@ver?
K3ndr@ H3$$ or K3ndr@ McC@rth3y?????
Who you got for the kendras?
Hailey $h@v3r would be nice. I can drop some H mc C - use to hav o.n.l yphans
Wins of either k.mcc@rt might get some fags to empty their pockets
I have all her content. She had a good page
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If you got her content - why wouldn’t you post it??
Cuz there ain’t nobody in this thread worth a damn so far. All recycled images. So no desire for me to post her content when there’s nothing comparable posted.
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K jones
Any huntingdon girls with a O. F. and a Twitter for it what's the Twitter names. I got a couple but I need a couple.
Who all do you have? I’ve got Kelsey t, Rachel g, Hailey m, Miranda c, Athena, Emily w.
I need Rachel, Hailey, and Athena.
@_xobrin @NinaRos8 @PoisonWillowxxx

Ur welcome. Now if I could get those?
Jentrey s has one too
What's the other twtr names?
If someone get jentry I'll post more k jones
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This all I got atm
Or if anyone has Rachel price
Am ms
Where yall at i need those twt names
H sn3ll
Post the hailey mcc
Olivia K. Looking for other Juniata College
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More k jones
Does Olivia k have o. F.
Olivia last name ?
Any @leeyi@ Pr1tts ?
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K@$$ A+her+0n
Never got those Twitter names. Let me get the Twitter names (8048) was talking about. I have 10-15 locals who aren't in this thread yet but I need the names first. And all O. F. Names too

Kelsey t - ms_kaczynski
Rachel G - lizz_vip
Miranda - imirandax
Hailey got rid of hers a while ago
Athena - alaskasavage1
Emily W - gingerxbabyyx
Who all do you have that’s not in the thread?
Rach G isn't working
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Am Ms
Here is her of
Any hailey before she deleted her account?
I got hailey and her gf if y'all can drop some pics. Got a couple more but waiting to see drops
Anyone have any Erica Seacrest? I'm not sure if she has O / F or not but I found this in the last thread and never found out how to find it. If someone can point me in the right direction I'll do a MASSIVE dump
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Ap from huntingdon
Someone has to have Jess, the hair chick with bad tattoos and a new bf every week
Kruse. Daughter of a prof. looking for other JC girls
Olivia K is hottt. any other Juniata out there?
Good job backing out when others have held their end of the bargain. That’s why Huntingdon never has a good thread
I lost my H3@ther Gr@g3r stash, she loved coke though, no way it was only sent to me haha
Anybody have the Kendra m stuff?
M cromley
Any Rachel Thompson floating around?
So Cromleys OF actually has good nudes in it? Or is this it?
It’s hit and miss. Some decent when she actually posts. She does go long periods without posting so it’s a game of chance when you sub
Are her tits actually on it?
Go sun and find out. Either post wins or stop posting. You’re part of the reason Huntingdon threads always blow.
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Maddison r from mu
Anyone have any from her?
Any Jan pellas? I had wins before in my old phone
Anyone have Amanda(jury) l**nard?
#8408….Is that before or after marriage? Bet it's a nice looking pussy.
Is there anything of Maddie Beasom?.
Damn this dies off fast. I share and it gets quiet
>>8544 I think some of it has to do with no one new gets on here . Should get the word out about this site so we can get some people who will share some
Plenty new get on here. They want to gate keep everything. Like the one guy above said he has things of stuff was posted. Dude posts his stuff then other guy dips out. We all hear for one thing, neve****nderstood what’s hard about that concept.
Any more amber m?
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Ky133 par**
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Caitlin Thomp$on from jv
I'll pay whoever tells me how they got Madison r photos.
Sorry information is classified but might post more if someone has more kierra Evans shay or amber mills
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Any amber M videos ?
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Any amber videos last one was Carly brown
Any Syd St3v3ns?
Any autumn
I've got more Carly if anyone has amber videos
Initials of who wants A.M.videos?
Initials or name of the guy who wants A.M. videos
Name or initials of person who wants A.M. videos?
CK I want to see more Amber. Would love some Maddie Beasom tho!
Why's iT matter?
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Another k jones.
Any more Juni@ta College girls. Got stuff to post if anyone has em
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Carly and shay
I got a ton of Alena, madi c, miranda c,shay, emily w. Looking for new people we haven't seen yet. I'll check in within 5 hours and I'll post my pics then if you guys can drop some. Let's get it popping. I have 100s of pics but I cant drop all of them
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Little taste
>>9354 So you’ve got the same exact wins as everyone else from the area. Congratulations.
Any girls from huntingdon
>>9354 post some more Miranda c For the love of God
Got plenty to share if anybody posts Juni@r@ C0llege girls
Any Kaitlyn McMullen or kat chayan
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Y'all want worthy, here ya go. She's a fucking scammer
>>9606 Figured that would be the case with this one. Her snap she was selling was the same way.
No one have Kaitlyn McMullen or kat chayan?
Kat Chayan doesn’t exchange nudes
isn’t Kat pregnant?
Someone’s gotta have nude pictures of Bre Ellis of MU she sends them to lots of guys
there’s gotta be stuff of bre Ellis if mu out there she’s a slut
Bre Ellis from MU someone’s gotta have her she’s a slut
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Been dying to see K3ndra McC@rtn3y.
Who got Br@ndi Hobbl3? Gotta have those huge jugs out there
I don’t understand, why does a bunch of posts keep being deleted
>>9765 I do. Definitely not sharing it on this sorry thread. Make it worthwhile and that’s different. But every Huntingdon thread has the exact same wins.
>>9780 Go away then
What keeps happening to this thread??
What happens? Is people like that dude saying I have this? I have that, but then complaining about nothing being new. You're not helping to cause post new things you're doing exactly what you're mad about
Any Makenzie Bennett ?
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D clark Karla clark
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Angelina grove
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I do photography have plenty to share of Rach
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Any more Ar13ll Ch1lc0te? Class 0f 2018. She has an OF @arielccx
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Or Rachel P OF?
>>10918 Trade a vid?
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>>9087 Who got Ws
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Who's got a W?
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Someone has to have Rachels slutfans
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>>11090 She’s so fine
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Anyone have Kaitlyn McMullen
Anyone got jc girls from class 20-24?
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Shay and Athena making out
Anyone have jas white
Anyone have k.Jones
Anyone got Fawn winegardner OF?
>>11267 She used to have fansly but doesn't post anymore don't know if she made an of
If anyone has her fansly send them
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Come on guys drop some
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Drop vid 4 vid
Vids pics snap OF?
>>11305 Name?
Do any got that whore
>>11308 Anything on Carly Brown, Britt Ann, Maddie DeForest, Kaitlyn McMullen, either of the Cerett sisters or Sav Muckle. Any new Maddy C if there's Any vids??? Just vid 4 vid🤷‍♂️
>>11305 >Vid who is this
More Madison Roddy would be awesome too
anyone got Ashley P or Kendra W?
>>11330 Hey im down asf
Let’s fuck fr
>>11339 Fr bout it? Drop snap/insta before mod deletes it
>>11338 Who is this anyway
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Definitely would smash Kendra
>>11391 Name?
Who has R@chel P or K3ndra M and what do you need to see to drop them?
Anyone got brinley jones
(1.60 MB 480x852 VID_20250319_014157_494.mp4)
Who are you>>11415
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Videos of her???😈💯 R@ch vids in return 🌶
>>11416 Who is that?
>>11418 Name?
I've got some bri mazur videos for Kaitlyn McMullen or Rachel stuff
Anyone got Sonya R?
>>11436 I have 10 videos of her if anyone post something good
Anything new?
>>11440 Bump get some new shit going
>>11418 Madiimamii
>>11452 Any vidzzz so we can get sum new?
>>11447 Lame...
Post some if anyone else has. This my only one to post
>>11456 Is that Kaitlyn
Any Emily Gordon
>>11462 I got some if you have Kaitlyn McMullen or Rachel or Ashley Walton or Kayla bilger or Madison Roddy
>>11464 You post 6 good ones showing pussy and ass, I swear I'll post Madison, and elshani...have short clips as well.
>>11465 Newer ones, seen those before,
>>11467 I've got bri mazur videos if you can post Madison
Anymore of amber M?
(2.11 MB 480x900 Snapchat-2049489360.mp4)
>>11467 Here's a video
can we please get some Rachel…beginning to think they don’t actually exist
>>11471 Starting to think the same
>>11465 I posted a video
>>11475 Different ones please, seen all those posted before
>>11476 Would you accept some bri mazur stuff
>>11477 just eg im interested in
Dose anyone have Juniata College girls class of 2019-2023
>>11478 Most of her stuff has been shared maybe if you post something then someone else might in return
>>11456 >>11460 Can I see some Madison or Cayla that hadn't been used before
>>11483 Have caylas been shared before
>>11483 She wiped her page. Nothing new in a long time so not much out there other than what’s already been shown
Anyone have Haley g0ld$tone she a had an slutfans once
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>>11513 Offer Pics for pics vid for vid Long videos of Carly work too if she's getting fucked or sum
More I get more you all get
>>11523 Someone else on another thread was a bitch and didn't pull thru when shared what asking for
>>11521 I've got one of Carly getting fucked and one of her giving head if that works
>>11536 Any Kayla?
>>11536 Probably already seen those two
If they ones above then already seen
>>11547 I'll posy more if I see the 4 pics and vid of Kayla I was offered and hadn't gotten
>>11547 Yeah I posted them but never got who I was asking for
>>11551 Thats a lie no Kayla on either thread bud
>>11552 Like I told you shit like that is why shit gets wiped off threads altogether and all W become Ls
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>>11551 Asked for Eg that I didn't post before😂
>>11555 Gonna lie here too?
>>11552 Never said I posted cayla I posted the Carly videos before and never got who I was asking for in return
Photoshopped, has tattoo above her tit
>>11563 Now she does
>>11564 Pics from before her tattoo numbskull
>>11565 You're just a liar😂
>>11566 Reason why the threads are lame
>>11567 Same reason no one else gets any wins of R@ch I've got too🤷‍♂️
>>11568 Later dumbfuck lmao
How bout everyone just post what they have instead of hoarding shit
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Dose Any have videos of Carrie Cerett
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Let’s get some real stuff in here, enough fakes
>>11577 People just need to post what they have and quit gatekeeping
>>11579 Won't hoard anything if I get the pics and vid of Kayla. Got mad shit of R@ch from going to Penn with her. Just have a loser here that thinks shits fake because the pictures before the girl got a tattoo. He's the one ruining for all you.>>11579
>>11580 Just wondering why do you keep spelling her name with a k when it's Cayla Also anyone got any of Rachel's sister Leah
They are fake of EG. Look at the hands in the 4 you posted. Fingers are longer and neck is different. Your stupid. The tits/nipples are even different along with long legs when she's really short lol. I know because she's in my classes
Any Abby smith?
Those pics of Rach are fake too
>>11597 Look like the shits done by a photographer, I think you're tripping dude
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>>11619 KM and her stepbro. They used to do OF together a few years ago, idk if they still fuck on it or not.
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>>11619 Shared the KM shit yall begged for. Anyone with any Cayla Bilger, Alexia Whisonat, or Hayden or Carrie Cerett.
>>11625 Honestly doesn't even look like her where's her tattoos and piercings
Anyone have Cynthia hardy?
Emily Gordon or any others. We all need to pitch in to make this thread really good
>>11639 From Johnstown?
Anyone have chl0e sheh@n or T@ylor w1ke?!
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Nevaeh&Madison Harris
