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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/tx/ - Post what you got even the classics since they got deleted

/tx/ - Texas

Password (For file deletion.)

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 No.8712[Last 50 Posts]

Post what you got even the classics since they got deleted


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Ehimy Rodriguez


looking for w on maria used to work at Navarro mcd's thick Latina always wore a mask anyone got any wins


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>>8814 who this bitch?


Any Chelsea king?


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Anyone have trinity tirado? Used to work at twins

Here’s Kayla Garcia for request


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Here’s some Brianna. Looking for Regina P or Lauren Vaughn


Wow u have Kayla G nice tits?


Who got Victoria Quintanilla


Victoria ex husband blasted her on fb saying she was always cheating and loved to send her nudes out, so I know they out there


Post wins not chat or chisme fag


Last name duenes? Or something like that?


Yes duenes


Big bet, hopefully someone has them and can share them


Someone post kiana peterson big ole tits! I will pay if I have to


Any crys Ledesma


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Any leanna?


Anything on Mikayla Rogers from ojos loco


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Put names on these sluts. Not everyone knows them.


Foh with your scamming ass. That person posts that **** and uses same line for everyone lol


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Erica Yvonne


Looking for c/o 2013. Anything is appreciated 🤘🏼✊🏼


Anyone got Kaylee vann?


Anymore of kayla?


>8981 you tha man dog 🤜🏼🤛🏼. Love me some Erica Eyvonne


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Anything on these two big titty women
Vicky V
Erika Zepol


"Kimekalb" on the K I will be both selling the griles I have and ****


Reddit or Twitter ?


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Anything on this one goes by Kry$t@l from Corpus


Anyone have mandi zee or Chelsea Ann bazan?


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anyone have Kaylee


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Any Jae?


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Here are a couple Bonnie ann. Someone got Jae,Natalie,or Jenny rod? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Post some Jen Rod and I'll post some Natalie


>9158 I don't have any or I would. Both have some big titties


Where those Samantha Mendoza wins


Can’t expose someone who already exposes themselves. Thanks for the love guys. 😘


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Leanne Gutierrez, Corpus christi


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Leanne gutierrez, Corpus Christi


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Anything on 1m3lda F.


Lesley Cluiss?


I have Hella Lesley cluiss, get at me on K "Kimekalb"


Just post it on here like everybody else


Dosent pop up


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Any on Leslee vela?


Type it qithout the " so just kimekalb


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Moar Cassidy j?


Big tits bartenders!! Love um


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Anymore amber


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Hoping there are some Jae dubs out there somewhere 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


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Post more


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who is that


Tianna Ivy


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Who gots more of Cat??


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Brie G


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anything on


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anything on Samantha Ochoa


Whoever posted Brie G & Angelica is the goat


Nice gifs


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Any wins on Alyssah Ruff?????


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Anymore of her tight holes?


Does she have insta or anything? I wanna try and get some more of her I’ll post them


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More Angelica post up C/O 16-18


Cryst@l m@rt!nez?


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Any more on Brittany p used to work at cheetahs?


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Amber chri1stine anybody have any more of her?


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S@rita G@rcia


Shayla s. Or Val P.? Big tits!!


Any Aliza lazo from sd


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Kayla R@ngel works at 515 post more amber!


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Looking for more of kylie Q. Lmk if anyone has. Paying


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any wins out there on sharon?


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some fawn in return


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Any one have anything on savvy?


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Any on Jessica


Any Aliza lazo from SD


If anyone has Spicyletty or Rubi Hernandez post please!


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Pulled from the austin thread. Fake?


You think she finally did it?


It’s definitely a deep fake. Her tits aren’t that big.


Any hoes from The Ranch. Especially allanna/Annie or her friends ****Kenzie.. Eden has a nice ass from annaville


Any cho****te pecan xluster .


Can someone post Aliza lazo?


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Any on Vanessa??


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Any more Monica M..


Bry Diaz ?


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We need more S@rita


Anymore brie g?


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I got Erica Cruz, heaven h(lunamorgan),Ashley rod looking for brie g


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More ash r pls


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Or more September Galindo nice tits pls


Bump 2 get that nasty black trash off some1 posting that on purpose 2 gross us


Damn anymore of that Ashley R??? I didn’t know she got down like that!! Hell yeah bro


We need LaurenLara


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Who’s got Lolita?


Not you. This bs where wins are dropped and y’all just ask for more or for others wins is bs. Contribute or stfu


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Can anyone track down the old Alyssa P leaks out of Portland?


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Any dubs of Blu from Ojos locos?


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Any more on Arianna Godoy?


Any chelse@ k1ng, Lolita, c@ss ben@vides, noemimorales, or samfernand3z?


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Found Ashley R. On PH


Nice find!!


Hell yeah bro good find!!!!


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Sav… she’s posting again! Anyone have her old stuff?



What’s her last name?


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Brianna Olsen(USER BANNED)


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Any wins? Jazmyn that owned the Vibe


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Alyssa Jorgensen


Last name? I’ll try and get some and post whatever I get


Jazmyn Zamudio


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Any Janet dubs?


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Anyone have pic or videos of her? No name needed cause eithe u have some I not


No name needed cause… lame ,. Some of us don’t keep up with these hoes and know them by names but you wanna be lame so I ain’t about to check.. dumbass


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More Sav… anyone have any of Whitney c?


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Anybody have Caitlyn richter?? I’ll post something good af if anybody posts something good of Caitlyn


I like those big tits on debr@!!!


Debra does have some big ass tits!!!! Push up bras make better


Everything better. >>10235
She didn’t let get pictures when we met up on her lunch. But she ok and she don’t like to be in her back alll she want is to be bent over 💁🏽‍♂️


I had some fun with Debra over the weekend, she sure can suck & ride prettyyyy good


Damn deleted the Debra pics


Ya she can suck a good dick. We meeting up again so I’ll try to get some pics this time


I’ll try to get some pics or videos we meeting up again


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Anyone got this how from Kingsville? D. Johnson


What’s Debra’s last name, I’ll try to get some


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Anyone have her big titties? T@nn@-m@ari3


>10243 we are here for wins not story time, nothing but beggars in here , anything, anything. Rip thread


Nigga stfu


Nah, faggot


Bekah Stewart??


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Someone has em


Yep, but you don’t and I’m not posting on here for leaches who don’t share


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Anyone got Sydney nelson? From corpus christi


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Anyone got Sylvia Garza or Sydney Nelson from corpus christi


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Any wins?


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Emily Gu3


Anyone have proof about fucking Debra? I’ll pay for it. Just need the date and proof and I’ll pay 100


Add my snap: paddlewand to **** cc nudes


**** me/+ oKZ2By- C4444YTMx


Corpus hoes

https ://t. me/+oKZ2By -C4444YTMx




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Delicia Jos.


Any Samantha Mendoza wins


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Any wins on Lindsey Lopez


>10439 stfu m0unta!nman. Nobody cares about your bs 0F


U have pics or videos of your weekend with Debra? I’ll send you cashapp if u have proof.


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Vitoria pena, Corpus Christi


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Used to do meet ups who has Sarah


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H@nn@h M3ll3r


Post more Victoria Pena, always wanted to see her


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Sarah Trevino


>10536 how bout you contribute fag


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Victoria pena


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Damn Victoria sexy af, any nude ones?


Tori been sending them same nudes to everyone that talks to her, u ain't fkd her


Who’s this??


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Anybody have anything on Elizabeth Dilger?


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Any Brianna Moreno, or Lanie???


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Tori bent over


Y’all trippin ove**sed up Tori, yall really want her just get her wingstop for her n her **s, that’s all it took for me,


I'm saying the same thing she been easy,panoch ain't even that good


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Last one of Tori hoe ass,


Damn she sexy af keep posting her, let’s see those tits


Fuck y’all wingstop is expensive af.


>10597 and what are you gone contribute, if you’re gonna be asking for more


Who has Zo3 Valadez or C4ss4ndra del prado?


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Alyssa Jorgensen


L!ndsey Lop3z has some big titties & I am working on it riight now 👏🏼


Is that @merica m@rtin3z ?


Any l0lita or chelse@ k1ng or maybe @shley w1gg1ns


Any any any, damn, homie may as well just drop a damn list lol


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Anymore Judy c


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Post Marie


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Barbara G . Works at Riley’s Pub now anyone have anything on her ? ????


What Allie is that?


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Anyone got theses sisters they make content together


Anyone got any wins of Fa1th H from Volkswagen CC?


Yo who are they? I see Twitter


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Her twitter


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Damn, id kill to see those lol


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Katie - where does she work? I know I’ve seen her somewhere.


Big tits baretenders!!! Love um!! And love Debra;) tits!!! Woooo


We are here for wins, not simp comments , damn.


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Anyone have that video of Jaclyn getting pounded on?


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Let’s see Meghan




what jaclyn?


Someone repost this b


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Post more


Nasty Michelle all over the place, just go to Google type in misschelleinked and all her nudes on Google, your welcome lol


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She used to post herself and her dude fucking on Snapchat


yeah I second the video of Jaclyn, not just clips but the whole video


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Anyone have more of rebekahs fine ass


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Anybody got angel R




Any one got Amber perez


>>11006 what’s her last name i have her nudes but can’t remember her name lmfao





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Any1 have Rae Lopez? 😍


Her last name is perez


Amber Perez from HEB ?


Di$** **?


D|$€○Rd L1nk?


if i get one of the socials i can get the nudes forsure


Naomi Morales wins


>>11077 her last name is rojas


Snap: ambey_nicole


Who do you got home the social? I have got girl from there!! Willing to **** or post


Insta : ambernicole_94


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I bet you can’t pull these


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Anything on her?


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what’s her socials tho


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Amber Perez who got more?


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Who has those Lizzy wins


Bump. Alyssa p


what’s her socials


you are one of the saddest fags on here. youve been asking for the same bitch for years


Same on Kenedy thread, same simp asking for some cici bitch, years already 😂


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I got some too anymore of Amber perez


Keep it


Dam.. any more on that Amber chick


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Loads more ;)


that chick is dog shit ugly why y’all obsessed with her nasty ass


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what’s this one socials


Fr that fat bitch is gross as fk like wtf is wrong wit yall


Who’s this???


This dude just always complains on here and never post


Bump more Amber chick if any more


stop fukin asking for amber she’s disgusting wtf


Anyone got any San Diego chicks?


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drop this one’s socials so i can pull up the nudes been looking but can’t find


Stop whining and post


y’all haven’t posted shit to **** anything for except some nasty ass fat bitch


Debra Y gave me herpes be safe fellas. fucking hoe!!!


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Anyone have Laney ?
In exchange here’s eliza** cunni***


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Anyone got Julie B


Anyone else talking to Emily Leal from Robstown heard she off and on with some dude named Adam.


More Elizabeth!! Didn’t she make an of at one time?


Any Aliza L


What Elizabeth?



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Any on destiny?




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@ Nic0le
Happy March


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Any Leslie Espinoza wins?? I’ll post Toni scales


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Anymore of this hoe??


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Any got Emily Leal from Robstown? who else fucks her right now? she comes to my house and sometimes sneaks me in her house only when she wants some dick? She loves it in the ass.


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Emily Leal from Robstown Anyone?


Anybody got any Natalie burton I’m trying to see her fat ass titties


Anybody got Kimberly Thompson from San Diego??



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Anything on kriss marie (Kristin Cantu)


Fuck let’s see them’nn


Got more Ashley??


Definitely do


Rayna I Ibarra?


Who has Erica Cruz from iron compound?


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Dam why so much about this Emily L chick? She’s to good for me. I used to smash back in the day.


Who hasn't smashed that linebacker troll Emily? She used to get tossed around by two **** at once and she loves it in the ass. Bitch literally has a tattoo on her ass that says "Spank Me Daddy" everyone that's smashed know I'm sure you know too? 😂 wear a condom though if you don't wanna catch anything.


Anyone got any of mireyna ?





Any on crystalyne?


Any one got anything on Alyson Pie, used to work at dicks. Any wins out there?

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