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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? šŸ˜‰


/penn/ - KC

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

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 No.6604[Last 50 Posts]



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That last one is one I havenā€™t seen. Is that a new one? I see all the kid toys around her


Not new but have had it for awhile. She was drunk and passed out on my couch after we got done


I guess a giveaway it wasnā€™t new was no tit tattoo or surgery scar



You got more? Thatā€™s good stuff.


Where can I find this whore to fuck Facebook insta


She wonā€™t fuck you, sheā€™s loyal


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Yeahā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. real loyal


She have snapchat?


Your probably her hubs just trying to give her attention


Whereā€™s the black guy from the other thread that has the video of her?


No one cares who is fucking her just keep the wind coming. Iā€™m here to jerk off not read your drama


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Made her ass **** ed that night 😈


She says she has to be good this week. Hubbys birthday


That could be anyones fat ass lol


Nah thatā€™s definitely he****nwashed asshole


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What a slut! Is that a collar?


Thats what Iā€™m talkin about


It was a collar. She loves lingerie but loves kink even more. We did some fucked up shit. She always complained her hubby was rough but didnā€™t know how to play. She always came back begging for more.


What kinda stuff did you do? She always seemed so vanilla with me


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Complete submission. Collars and leashes. Cuffs. Rope play. Candle wax play. Spanking. Blindfolds. Commands and control. Edging her and withholding her right to cum. Knife play. Biting. Kept it all in my car so we could play whoever she sent me a fuck me message and hubby was working or watching the kids.


She had a pink remote toy too. She would **** while she was at work and sit in her office while Iā€™d play with her remotely and get her off. She would do the same while she took classes in the evening too. Video chatted me one night while she was at home and her kid went to bed and hubby was working. I watched her get off with the remote toy I was controlling.


She really is a slut. All that and sheā€™s still married


Lol this guy must have just watched 50 shades of grey no one would take the time to all that with that slam Hogg lol


Need a vid of her sucking cock now


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boys, this is gross. do better.


Fuck you, donā€™t be a slut this wonā€™t happen


Need more


Iā€™m still laughing over some loser giving her a car! LOL she cheats on her husband all the time and he knows it too. What a fucked up couple


he was just one of the better dudes she fucked over when she was done with him


Pics or stfu


Dead again


Give it time. She gets her new lingerie pics in a week or two.


How can one get ahold of said whore asking for a friend


ā€œGive it timeā€ yeah we got the same pics from the last 3 years over and over again. No one wants old shit. And like 2 people posted new stuff that wasnā€™t stupid snaps


You gotta play the long game with KC. She has he****ps and downs but always comes back to being a slut. It was just her hubbys birthday so sheā€™s been all over him. Give it another week till she gets her new spicy pics and sheā€™ll be back in slut mode again. Takes something to throw her back into it and remind her how much she loves it.


Theyā€™re a weird, gross couple. Sheā€™s a slut and heā€™s bi. My gay cousin used to get head from HIM all the time but then she started to get suspicious so they broke it off.


That makes so much sense


I wouldnā€™t want hear from him. That nasty snaggle tooth would feel terrible.


Is that the only reason you donā€™t want head from him? Lol


Ha ha put a bag over his head and he can be whoever you want him to be 😂


Both their tits probably feel about the same besides the hair anyway lolol


When she was fucking me she always would say how nasty his little uncut cock was. Said it always creeps her out when she has to fold back itā€™s hat ha ha


And yet she married him lol


Pretty sure she didnā€™t marry him for the dick. He was dumb enough to fall for it, they had a kid, and I think his mom made her ha ha


He has to be a cuck deep down or something


I donā€™t think itā€™s all that far deep down


Probably eats the creampies out of her when she gets home


I know I sent plenty of them home to him


That dude definitely takes it in the ass. Thatā€™s why heā€™s always posting on here pretending to be other people. He gets off on this shit. Heā€™s a weird dick sucking fag.


I hope they never reproduce. Talk about 2 of the ugliest people on the planet.


You do know they have a kid together right lolol


For being such a slut no oneā€™s posting much


Dead again


next Saturday she gets her new slut pics taken. Maybe sheā€™ll be nice and give us a preview here 🍑🔥


Doubt it


I bet sheā€™s got in all that cheap ass Amazon lingerie she ordered and is ready to be ā€œsexyā€. Nothing more sexy than a fat ass psycho slut 😂 enjoy your present cuck. Weā€™ll all enjoy them too


Yeah like shes gonna send em to anyone 🙄 sheā€™s married


That comment shows you just donā€™t really know her that well


No oneā€™s gonna post anyway so who gives af


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I do miss fucking this slut. The last couple months have been boring without her blowing up my phone to come fuck her.


Maybe she changed


Doubtful. I assume she just moved on to who is next and will **** back to me if and when she gets bored again or needs another distraction.


I just wish everyone would post but I understand the hestitation cause if you post doesnā€™t mean others will cause theyā€™re dicks


Well if you got new stuff letā€™s start with that


I donā€™t. She hasnā€™t talked to me in years. I have my old stuff but Iā€™ve posted all that through the years


That one that was just posted looks new. I donā€™t remember seeing that.


I never saw it either. Say what you want about her looks but that pussy is 👌


Always wanted to see her on her back with her legs spread


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Does she have a Snapchat?


1 more day till she gets her new slut pics. She has been so excited and wonā€™t shut up about them. Such an attention whore.


I hope that her and the guy who keeps making these threads, and then carrying on a conversation with himself pretending to be different people, both die in a fiery car crash so we donā€™t have to look at this disgusting shit anymore and so this weird, obsessed, creepy loser quits posting on here 10 times a day. Please buddy, go fucking kill yourself.


And look at you, youā€™re still mad


Iā€™ll say for myself alone, iā€™d post everything if I was him so lol


Some haters in here. Iā€™d love to see those eyes looking up at me while I fuck her throat.


Need more of this slut. If her man is in here, expose her


All of us she fucks around with should show up at the winery today for her pics and cheer her on ha ha.


Spitroast anyone? She can get some pics covered in cum lol


Mm Iā€™d happily donate to that cause. Fucking slut. I still think sheā€™s going to use it as a fundraiser for his kid ha ha


Idk why she didnā€™t keep her OF


Who gave her the $300 to get these ones? lol


Could be anyone lol


Someone post something new


Add her on in$t@. Sheā€™s uploading her new slut pics.


Lā€”-Iā€”-Tā€”-Tā€”-Lā€”-Eā€”*ā€”3(USER BANNED)


No she isnā€™t lol


She sent me a fewā€¦ that fat ass looks spectacular


ya sure she did. post or stfu


Whats her new insta


She doesnā€™t have a new one


She sent a couple to me. I donā€™t think I gave her the response she wanted cuz she didnā€™t send any more. One of her in a bathtub I enjoyed. All I can say is fuck she got even fatter.


She posted that on insta lol


She should have saved the $300 on the pics and got a gym membership instead ha ha


Cmon kc just post em here so we all can see em. Its gonna happen anyway


You act like she doesnā€™t want them to get out lol. Sheā€™s a fucking attention whore. Thatā€™s the whole reason why she gets them to begin with.


Literally what I said


Whats the ig


Sheā€™s gonna start deleting people if you fuckheads keep requesting to follow her


Boy sheā€™s really thinning the herd 🤣


I canā€™t believe anyone would want anything to do with her. KC is one of the most corrupt humans Iā€™ve ever met in my life. Her and her hubs couldnā€™t be more perfect for each other. They are both disgusting wastes of life.


Will you stop already? We get it you donā€™t like her. You sure talk about her a lot for hating her


Not so much hate. Very much the opposite. Wish she was a better person but sheā€™s too corrupt to be anything but what she is.


Corrupt? Tf is she a politician? Sheā€™s a whore lol


She is definitely still a whoreā€¦. Had her tied up last week with my cock stuffed in her assā€¦ she gets off on the pain.


No you didnā€™t she hates anal plus it was hubs bday


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His birthday is the beginning of April dumbass. She already played that card saying she had to be good that week.


I call bull shit only cuz I saw the size of that fucking ass in the pics she sent me from last weekend. The one of her on the bed with the green blanket. Holy fuck. She is massive. Youā€™d have to be packing 12 inches to even touch that hole.


Either post it or shut up. Jesus thats why these threads get locked cause we just argue


She isnā€™t a slut, delete this thread. You losers have nothing


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Fuck it. Heres one she sent this week.


Holy fuck you werenā€™t kidding. Looks like she ate the old kc 🤣


No nude ones? I can only imagine how big her tits are


She sent me 2 others. Iā€™ll post them at some point. Nothing completely nude showing. Remember itā€™s not porn ha ha


Well she had ones of her bare tits showing soā€¦


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we r fans of ur fat ass kc wat can we say


What a fucking liar. Donā€™t know about a women group but KC sent that to me. If itā€™s posted somewhere then anyone coulda saved it including her. And the second one is old. No tattoo on the tit.


Other two are old i was just implying that she did get partially nude ones done


Thanks kc now ya scared everyone so no ones gonna post anymoreā€¦



KC start an OF fo****s


Yeah really


I take it hubs was mad when he found out you sent ur slut pics to the rest of us before he saw them


itā€™s fun walking past her fat ass at the ****ball field. She looks at me like she wants to say something but wonā€™t. Knowing we fuck behind her hubbys back and that I have her nudes in my recent messages 😂


Itā€™s funny that I know she knows Iā€™m typing this while Iā€™m looking at her in those big dumb sunglasses. But she loves the humiliation and knows Iā€™ll fuck her good next time weā€™re together. Right KC?


Yeah sure you do 🙄


Fuck you thats what


Good one


Can all this ever just dissappear? The cattle and the farmers? Ffs


Itā€™s one guy (most likely her husband trying to see if sheā€™s cheating on him) pretending to be different people, he carries on conversations with himself on here all the time.

Just imagine how much of a pathetic, disgusting, creepy fucking weirdo you have to be, to be obsessed with this chick. She is quite literally one of the most disgusting looking women I have ever seen, her body is horrid, her face is beat, everything about her is just terrible.

Weā€™re all just hoping that this guy offs himself someday soon.


Iā€™m hoping he posts everything he has. This slut deserves loads from strangers


U still mad huh


She still have an OF? If so whats thr name


No she doesnā€™t stop asking


KC has 3 sides. The good wife. The good mom. And the good slut. Sadly they all go against each other. I hoped after all the fucked up shit she did in her life sheā€™d change and follow a path away from this, but sheā€™ll never change.


Shut the fuck up and post ffs


Stilllllll maddddddddddd


Still a pig fucker. Go back to pornhub you diseased cock f@ggot.


No one is mad bro, youā€™re just weird and annoying. No one wants you here.



Happy moms day to one of the worst and sluttiest moms in the valley. Canā€™t wait until your kids can finally call u out on ur shit. They gonna have a lotta questions when their friends show them these pics 😂


Truth! One the dudes she fucked with last year took better care of her kids then she did. Saw em at Walmart once and he had all her kids.


Post or shut up


Mods, can you please ban this guy? He ruins this thread every time.


No. This fat pig ruins the thread and the site. Stop this shit.


Ur still so mad its funny


She still have the IUD? I always liked playing with the strings. Was always worried Iā€™d knock he****p if I pull on ā€˜em though ha ha


Just post pics this is just weird


please for the love of god stop commenting on this thread. nobody wants to see the hogs posted here.




What a kinky couple. I just fucked her husband in the ass last week. He loves my bbc.


Lol right




Shut the fuck up and post pics ffs



I can second this. Her husband swears heā€™s not gay, but he sure knows how to suck a dick.



Would explain why he married that disgusting cunt


no come on guys. She loves him right 😂



I donā€™t know about any of that but I know he loves cock


Wouldnā€™t think that one long redneck tooth he has would feel good on a cock.


Jesus christ Iā€™m just gonna delete this. Itā€™s about her not him you fags


I can tell u one thing, that boy donā€™t got a gag reflex.


Must have learned that from his whore of a wife


Ha ha now sheā€™s trying to meet nerdy guys through dnd. She canā€™t make up her mind if she wants a nerd or a redneck. Hit he**p on dis**.


Someone post pics


Any other new pics



No, no one has new pics of your fat, disgusting wife. Iā€™m sure she would send them out but no one wants them. She is fucking hideous with disgusting tits. No one wants your wife, you fucking loser.


Still mad


Whats the S/C


Sheā€™s happily married no need


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Doesnā€™t look like her hubs dick does it


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famous mature slut Svetlana Dubinina


Looking for some shawna auman, kara flory,tammy auman Becky hoy or brittany burns-russell


Nobody has any of the girls from milesburg volunteer fire Co. Haha


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Got anything better


Yeah this sucks where the wins


Lets get this going again


Sheā€™s all about that boudoir shit again. Just an excuse for her to be a slut openly and make people think itā€™s not about that


Yet no one ever has anything newā€¦


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She never does the view from the back


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Wow sir hooked a big one 😂 nothing could better show off such a truly disgusting couple


Now i gotta see her from the back holy christ


Wish this would come to life again


Where can I find more of this fat slut?


Evidentally you canā€™t lol


Need moree


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Is she easy to fuck


If you really have to ask on THIS site, then no not for you lol


Letā€™s see more of this massive slut! Any good stories on this cow?


How recent was that


Recent enough she was married and just wanted a decent fuck. Trick with KC is that you canā€™t get too attached. If you risk her hubs finding out sheā€™ll fuck you over. If you just fuck her and play her games you can have a lot of fun. When she pulls back you have to let her. Sheā€™ll come back when sheā€™s ready again. Sheā€™s gained a lot of weight but you can see sheā€™s still a fun fuck.


Is she trying to get anyone else to pay for her nursing school? She been hittin me up hard. She fucked the guy over who was paying for her to be a teacher. She didnā€™t finish that like she doesnā€™t finish anything else in her life thatā€™s good.


Ha. Itā€™ll be easier for her to fuck randoms as a nurse instead of a teacher anyway


Anyone catch her ā€œweddingā€ photo shoot on facebook? He looks like heā€™s actually trying to pose on them. Heā€™s too dumb to realize all them pics are about her. She couldnā€™t care less who is in them with her.


What is her actual name?


Kacandra P0ling. Was D@n!els


Kc answer your snap i wanna put it in that fat ass again


Why yā€™all obsessed with this fucking trainwreck of a pig. All the good threads struggle while the one of the swamp donk gets an unhealthy amount of attention. Itā€™s fucking disgusting. You guys need to fuck some real women, not this shit show just because sheā€™s easy


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So maaaaaaad


She is fucking gross


And youā€™re a loser


Why do you guys keep posting this pig? It's an eye sore scrolling past to get to my town. Delete the shit. It's gross.


Having fucked her many times, I can agree that she is a gross fucking pig, and those were some of the lower moments of my life


Use the catalog thing then, loser.


Still a good fuck tho canā€™t lie


Hard to believe she was smaller in this than she is now lolol


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Honestly I keep coming back for the petty drama anymore. Yall are hilarious.


Who is your current victim that donā€™t know youā€™re a psycho bitch KC? Or are you back to hubby again for a while since itā€™s summer and you want to go places. Going to a tswift concert? Ha ha ha


Post some new nudes if youā€™re here


Memorial Day weekend. Will she do the usual and get drunk, make out with her exes, and snap nudes to everyone? I look forward to it every year 😂


Doubt sheā€™ll snap anyone. She stopped from what i heard


She hasnā€™t changed Iā€™m not proud to admit but I just fucked her about 2 weeks ago


Yeah, we always hear you guys say that but no one ever has any proof lol


Did we get anything? Any proof from a recent fuck? This will probably end just like every relationship with KC does. In disappointment. Sheā€™s good at fucking and letting people down ha ha


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. No one ever has any proof

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