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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/penn/ - H@\ey s@ger any got

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

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 No.6047[Last 50 Posts]

H@\ey s@ger any got













Anyone got her


Anyone got any Moreta D? Softball player with a great ass, been with a lot of guys


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There has to be some out there


What happened to the Samantha Prisk pics and video someone claimed to have


Last pic I seen of Prisk on here she had a load blown all over her face. Hope vin doesn’t find out



Either Vin is fucking stupid or he’s a cuck cuz she’s definitely been fucking others behind his back.


She's definitely been whoring around


Any Miranda V?


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Post anyone let's get this going again


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Where’s the Prisk bj video


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She’s made the comment since they took the baby making factory out it’s a playground now


Someone post something of Makena Baney I’m sure there’s some out there don’t be greedy and share


Who’s that blowing a load on Prisk’s face?


Who’s is that?


Any Kristy walker?


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I wish


More Prisk


Nobody has more


Someone claimed they had the video that went to that facial of Prisk


Sam Clark?


New hinton wins? Let’s see em


Always asking for the same bs that doesn't exist , this threads gonna die again.


All these Centre County sluts and this post always dies


Cause it's always the same dudes asking for the same shit that doesn't exist and not posting anything


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Now that last one is a POSE my god. Round of applause on that one


Hopefully others might start dropping whatever they have


Whos the last one?


All 3 are cierra h.


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Britt w


What's britts of username? You don't have to crop it out let me check out her vids


Ladonna g?


I'll post ladonna g for some new stuff


Britt deleted her page


Lisa c?


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Can we get something other than these old cierra pics


Lookin for Moreta D, went to school with her


Why would you bitch about naked pics being posted atleast someone is posting


Where’s the ****n B that was on the other thread


Where’s the Meg@n B that was on the other thread


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Any other Paige?


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Any more Paige?


Any new kara flory


What paige last name?


Paige fisher


Bump. Or her cousin Hinton


Hinton won't talk to me anymore she's stuck to fa****p her bfs ass


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Looking for Lauren 0nder… here is cami st3p


hinton still fucks around just got super shady won't come out if there's snow on ground and don't use front door gotta pick he****p at night down the hill for a quicky. once a slut always a slut


She told me it's cause of her **** and she isn't cheating on her bf anymore she used to send me stuff all the time but won't any more


What's her of


hintons a busted recovering drug addict don't even post about her waste of time let's see some chicks that have a car and jobs instead of welfare hungry hippos. show us sexy independent chicks


Thank you I'm sick of **** about this trash bag she's not even remotely good looking


yea thanks! we don't wanna see slam hog kc or britt w either


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just cuz u don't wanna see it! ha


Hinton reeks , that thing smells awful


We need some haley seager


I fucked her twice within the last 3 months didn't have that issue smelled great and that's a tight ass little pussy wish I was still fuckin her


She's a scruff , she's ugly, and nobody cares haha


Everyone's entitled to an opinion but I never experienced that she got nice tits and a tight little pussy and wasn't scruffy when I fucked her lol sucks to be you if she didn't shower before you got it


Anyone have new vids of Emily R


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new vids lol didn’t know she had any to start with. here’s a recent nude tho


Where do you find the videos?


What’s her name?


emily r@nd0lph, sc class of ‘14


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Who's that smut


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Janeane ohmit


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All those pics are from like 2017


Jesus Christ, why would you post that? You’re supposed to post HOT chicks, not fat, ugly whales


You have old videos??


Does anyone have Jordon McCl0skey I highly doubt it but figured why not try


Fuck you dude. I’d pound the shif out of her. She’s hot as fuck.


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Post names


that is Makayla rose she stinks but is tight af


Any Sydney R1egel Penns Valley?


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Someone has to have something of Makena


That pic is like 7 yrs old holy crap


Anyone have anymore Prisk out there


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Bump the bbw's


Who that?


Who’s that


Most likely a scam and not from centre county


M0n+@n@ B.


Any Lauren Szos+ec?


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Kylee Z, any charl33 H@rris or N3v@eh Sampsel?


And it died again


No way!!! I don’t think they were true!!


emily r is that big of a slut? has no idea she has videos out there




i'm calling cap, she definitely isn't that much of a slut lol


Post them up! Anymore Prisk floating around I know she’s been fucking around on Vin who’s got the proof.



No one wants your fat, ugly gf bro.


More prisk


Anyone have nake-isha sti-mer


Anyone have Timara F?


Any of Na*ie*hia St*mer


H. Park's from snowshoe been getting around. Anyone?


Not a chance


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anymore of this hottie


Who is it?


Any m3gan or mar@ wint3rs? I'm dying to see the fat pigs nude


Any of the wint3rs sisters? M3gan and m4ra? Would kill to see their fat asses


Don't let it die


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Any bridgette davidson


Pic is literally 10 years old, nice effort


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I heard ayme has nice tits


Who's the girl with double dildos and green eyes?


Post the video


Anything of hannah petęrs


What site is that with ayme on?


What site is that on? I need on it


eww she's a fat gross hog I can't believe the chicks everyone thinks is hot go get some quality meat


Nobody posts anything good so we take what we can get round here partner


M0n+@n@ pics don’t exist


at least nobody's banging hinton this week hahah


How about Makena baney


There is NOOO Makena stop asking


How about your mom any nudes


Who's the chubby chick with 2 dildos and a cross necklace


Does anybody have any thing of m@r@ Wint3rs?


Bump p@ige fi$her




i would pay so much god dam money for charlee


Someone repost D@ry@ M from the old thread


New Ladonnaaaa


The old thread is still on here. Just look down through the catalog.


Anymore floating around I know she gets around!


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She doesn’t have braces so this has gotta be super old!


Who is that


Any Alyssa daily


Any Miranda Williams out there


Hannah c0nf3r or Hailey Sp1c3r?


Elora P


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Anything greenaway from snow Shoe or her sister


Any Heather Lei gy from PV or singer twins from Bellefonte?


Gotta be some heaven Evans out there


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Brandy K


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Any Selena d?


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Selen@ D


Someone have mutchler pics?




Bump selena


H@ylee Br€on
M@kenna B@¡ney


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C@rly h0uk


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Em!ly wenn!ck I want more selen@ d


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she has OF reneethegemini big tits nice pussy


Got more Em!ly?


More Selena d


Any squirters or pissers?


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Does Emily have an of?


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Any more 3mily w3nnick or even her friend k4ty w4lk?


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Emily. Let’s see some better wins


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Brandy K


More dandra kay she burnt me for 100$


Any Amber Breon


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Another dandra


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More Selen@
I don’t think Emily has of n dandra ain’t even that good lookin


da money I would pay to fuck selen@ but she married


Neeeeeed more Selena


Any sara luv


This is why these threads die. Dipshits post the same 3 sluts between KC D, Emily W, and Dandra. Everyone else just begs for shit that doesn't exist. Fuck yourselves.


72 pics on this thread and like 10 are two of those girls. Also emily w is on the mifflin board so go jerk off your cat fuckface


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Kylee Z


Any one have Mar1na falls?


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Sam Clark


Any one have Tessa or Anna C0wfer from Renovo?


Anymore Sam p


Bump let’s keep it rolling


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Camrie from PV


Any more emily R


Anymore she hot as fuck


Post some good ones and I’ll drop more


Anything of Hannah c


Post something when ya request and I’ll drop some Hannah if ya post something good


Who’s Hannah C?


Hann@h c0nf3r


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Gabby D from bea for more camrie


Moreta D?


Bump for dandra kay I'll pay for pics. Someone be a hero


Dandra sells them! Ask her yourself.


Anybody have chels br0wn


How do I ask her I'm not on any social media lol does she have a snapchat


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Any katy walk or April schutlz


Whose tits are they?


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M Davis


H. Park????? BEA


Not a chance they don’t exist


Bree sm1th?


A friend of mine had some of hannah but it's been awhile.


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Mon1ca Davis


I’d have to see it to prove me wrong


It was years ago. I don't have them.


Yeah I really doubt there’s anything recent


Any lacey jenco from state college


Anyone got Fiona A?


I'd love to see some Katy walk


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Let’s get it rolling again


Hannah peters has to have something out there


All chicks have wins bud. Let me guess, she told you she doesn’t send nudes? Nah bro, she just didn’t want to send them to you.


Someone produce them then I’m just saying I’m sure there’s nothing recent.


Please more dandra or tell me her snap so I can message her to buy pics


How can you be sure there's nothing recent on park …


More brittani?


Unless someone can prove me wrong which no one has yet


Just cus they aren’t posted here doesn’t mean they don’t exist. This is a small ass corner of the internet that not that many people know about.


Bump for dandra gotta be some out there


Starting to think you are Sandra and you're just promoting


Know of any other corners to find similar content?


I heard dandra smells down below


I'm definitely not dandra im asking for nudes or her snap to ask her personally lol


I thought u guys could get pics of anyone. Disappointed in the lack of dandra pics tbh. She got big ass boobs and a fat ass


Elizabeth spillia says she's gonna start an slutfans any word on that would love to see that


Nakita w3@ver or Katie y3@rick?


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Elizabeth Spillia


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Here's Katie and Lily auman


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One more


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yes gotchu


Finally let’s keep it going


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Anyone have Nicole Stimer


Who tf is that , nobody ever posts names


Anymore camrie


Anymore Lindsey


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Who is that?




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Any of Hannah C0nf3r’s pu55y?


**** me dave_spak23


Who got dandra kay?


Let’s keep it rolling


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Shot in the dark but anyone got brandi stitzer? Think she’s about 40 now but that ass is insane


Kc in the last pic too?


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Let’s keep it alive! Here is another camrie


Anyone know of or even have any squirters?


Any j@mie g!rt? Bad fuck but great titts.


Shay R0@n?


Don’t let this die


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Looking for Cheyenne 1utz here is her sister


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Anymore of her won't add people she knows


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Ashley radz
Any of the singer twins from Bellefonte or heather Leig from penns valley


Amand@ Lutz?


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Any olivia burd?


Birds Twitter is filled with her pics


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Any new of lindsey she dissappeared


Was videos of Lindsey out there awhile ago


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Veronica P****as


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Chey Lynn


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Can't believe there isn't any M Baney


Any of Christina from the vfw


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someone else now drop your emily wins


Damn , Emily is so hot. How did all of these get out there? Does she sell or what?


Nah she just got hacked haha


Threads stop bumping to the top after so many replies, happened to the other one as well


Bump!! Let’s keep it alive!


Anyone have Jade? Stripper at the end zone. H
She’s gotta have stuff floating around


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This Jade


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Nicole s


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She made movies with her old bf, and they posted them under his account together. His 0f@n$ was mount@inm@nxx. They broke up, but he still has them.


There's gotta be some amber shay out there or lutz sisters


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Amber Shay


She looks fun


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Karlee A


Anymore of amber


Any stories or meet ups with shay? Looks like she's at a hotel there.


Bump there's gotta be more shay an prisk


More Brittan i Walltz? Damnnn


Sara P.?


Anymore selena?


Any Megyn Fr@nk?


Whoever slid in with the shay wins your a Saint is there more out there? Or any @m@nda Lutz heard she gets around


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Miss bea herself for more Cheyenne lutz


Who is this?


Kayleigh Cunningham


There is not more


Any laurel p@ge?


More camrie then


Is there any actual wins of H@nn@h C


Yeah a bunch but ain’t posting if ya keep requesting


Just post them up




Being g stingy is how these threads die just post what you have


That’s the first time I have asked for her but the same thing happens in every thread. Someone says they have them but want to see someone else first and then the same few pictures of her in lingerie are the only things posted.


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She does have a great body


Anyway Ashley Radz?


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Trista Williams use to be barged. Is there anything on her


Anymore Hannah c


Speaking of Tristina B does anyone have anything on her sister Alicia B?


Shelby w ? Penns valley


How about some Hannah P from Snow Shoe there has to be some out there.


Lakisha r


Any Johnathan


Any angle Kline


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Where did you get this?! Anymore ? Here is Hannah C for more


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Now let's see some good Hannah c


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Anyone have Ash?


Lets keep the Emily R train rolling if they're more wins out there laying around


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Bumpppp more? I guess her OF is down


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More Nicole S


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More Nicole S


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Nobody here wants to look at that crooked ass thing here's more sasserman anymore camrie or some shyla metcalf


More stimer


Still looking for any Snow Shoe girls Hannah P Makena B any from the ****top or some more Prisk


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Nicole S
Hannah C


Only one I kno on **** top is @lyss@ ask


Ashton rob any wins on her




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More selen@ from her of


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Let’s do a contest see who can post the most pics in 24 hours and guess there name lol


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More amber shay or any and all of the lutz sisters


selena have slutfans or a snap I wanna buy her pics


didnt u just read selena does hav 0nlyfans


Yall mf dumb if you scroll up you’ll find her OF it’s reneethegemini or something like that


Oliva s^ger


Olivia s@ger don’t give nothing out she’s married


Any summ3r or ****k3nzie Sh@y


Park = homewrecker.know two guys she's been runnin on her husband with


She doesn't mind cheating while she married


Who are they maybe they have some stuff from her


Her husband has been doing it to her the whole time they’ve been together


mutual friend. i wouldn’t touch her stuff


And it’s dead again so many out there and this one always seems to die


Samantha Clark? Samantha Golembeski? Faith Witherite? Alissa bloom? Amanda antonuccio? Cami stepp? Kelly Mcmurtrie? Brittany Shawley?


Anyone got Jasmine V?


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Cami Step
Sam G
Sam C


Drop slutfans names if it's worth it I'll sub and post looking specifically for Maddy gower kara flory Brittany waltz anyone hot from bellefonte Penns valley


Still looking for any from the **** top area. Where’s the guy that knows anything about H Park?


Kara flory? Hot? Lolol


Karas not really hot but she's a 40 footer plus I wanna see all woman naked never know what you might see 🤣


Amanda Antonuccio doesn’t send nudes so good luck!!! Let’s get some more pictures


Still looking for some Alicia B wins


Her ass was the best years ago. She may not send anymore but she fucks just about anyone that shows her attention


I haven't fucked flory yet thought about it I fucked her cousin Hinton a few months back should knock florys guts loose as well hahaha


Anyone got any CO’s from rockview or benner?


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Any brooke martell wins


Anyone have M@ya B?


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Anybody have Kir(ste)n Si(lks)? Slam hog from many local bars! Easy to get in bed. I haven't seen her in years.


Any Nikita weaver


Samantha Golembeski with her big titties and tight pussy


Any Lea Shaffer? I know she cheats on her husband all the time.


Need more of Nicole!!


Rylee H@rrys

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