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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/penn/ - Post those wins

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

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 No.5982[Last 50 Posts]

Post those wins


Any 2019 + 2020 wins?


We need all the wins of sapphire…I hear her ex has a library full


We need wins with iesh!a heard her slutfans is getting heated


Ieshia shit is so beat she fucked everyone in altoona not paying for that used up whore


that chick is fat as shit


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Anymore carissa? Bitch scammed me…


Grace ann quinn anyone


Any kylie


Clarissa who and any of Kylie E or rash Campbell


someone is butthurt cause they couldn’t get any from her thats a you problem bro


Shawney Foch*** has to have something out there


Shawnee does have stuff out there but bro…we need to find the old stuff. Banged her right before she got married….she ain't what she was in high-school. Promise.


Any tay beav


Any Kayla Adk!n$ or Taylor Burk3t?


I have @dkins it got archived. I posted @dkins, Hock1nberry, and K3lsi and all I asked for was l@shay. I'll repost all three when I see l@shay. Ps I have new @dkins too


Any of andrea Cartwright or Megan hartman


Bump for wins of Shawnee F, Brooke B, Taylor B - does anyone have their slutfans info? Postemup


Anybody get anything from dlblunts fan page?


Wait…Brooke B has a slutfans? I'll sub. Hopefully her face isn't in it.


Exactly why this thread dies everytime bunch of beggers who only wanna **** and shit typical altoona trash


Drop the Brook b info and I'll drop a few pics


I have brenna d does anyone have any new Chelsea D


Found her but I don't have account. Says free if anyone does drop em


Britney h!ller?


anything on Maryssa m4uk?


give me their OF names and i’ll subscribe for you simps


alyak_xoxo slutfans



All from Altoona area


Don't sub to kelsi. She hasn't posted in like 2 months. It's a scam page now….must be a new bf in her life


Sub to janeldawn.22 youd be a hero my man


Ashley (W)ray?


**a bry is single again… she's gotta have something out there


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Shawney F


M*c*a*l* b*y*n is single again. Who's got her?


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Not much there. Nothing much better than this. Quite disappointed really. Waste of 14 bucks.


That's awesome. Did she get a boob job?
I'm still holding out hope for any wins of Brooke B.


Thats really dissapointing with the janel dawn o.f she literally has such a nice ass picture as her cover photo on there


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This is her cover photo such a nice ass


Anyone got cheyenne bradley had a o.f under the name bratty_bradley has since been deleted but she has a twitte****nder the same name with some teases


Kylie auker?


Bump for sapphire or m turch…
I’ll drop Alana c, daysia c, or Josie, b for them


Does anyone have ash futre** * her titties are beautiful


I got some jocelyn morris if anyone has anything good of sapphire or cheyenne bradley


bellwood girls?


I got sapphire but I need some new michelann or morg turch


Any new sapphire? Or just the old one from all the other threads?


I have one new one the other ones are recent but have probably already been posted before


Only ones been posted. She's always the fight of the threads lol


Any Kylie C


This thread sucks… we just gonna sit and talk about wins instead of just posting what you got? Typical altoona.


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Crystal Hillard. Class of 2008.


Hailey K from Altoona OF wild_with_you


Yo that rules, bump for more ‘08/‘09 girls


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Taylor Stessney, 2010


Obviously no one has sapphire. Moving on.


i will sub to OF pages if you post user names


I’m still offering sapphire to anyone that gives me Morgan turch lmaoooooo


Lashaybaybay of


Of course no one has sapphire. It's promised every thread and nob9dy ever delivers. It's always "post this and I'll post them" then they never do


Any alissa smi, she drives that wrx heard she gets around


Hahahaha no one has even tried to post what I have asked for in return for sapphire soooo yeah.


Anyone got any Alyss@ Burk3


It's her ex bf. That's why he won't post them. He's the biggest tool in altoona. Dirtball needs to get off the thread


Lmao jokes on you buddy. I’m not her ex and I got them about a month ago


Prove it!


Just post you fucking pussy


You both have wins and won't post. Pathetic


These altoona threads are always pathetic shit never goes anywhere bc people fucking hoard


Y’all are a bunch of dweebs.
I’ll post sapphire when I get turch until then enjoy your weekend


No, legit, if you have wins and you are holding out to gain something , you’re a pussy. Post what you got .
Altoona nudes thread bro. Not the ** nudes like a Newport in ** thread .


Everybody knows he doesn't have sapphire anyway


Cree girls??


Any Nich0le per!no? She's a massive smut


anything on Amanda seld0n? has nice big tits


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Who is this


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Cas. R Any new ones??


We need more Emily!!! Brunette above ^^^^


Anyone got the Br00ke B0vard wins or T@y be@ver’s tit job?


So someone having sapphire was a lie I guess?


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tay beav


all i got. if she has OF drop her @ i jones over that hoe


Any1 know a good snap app to catfish with? Ofv editor has let me down


Anyone got anymore of Emily A


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Kels. Now someone post sapphire. All these wins posted, where'd that douchebag go?


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Abby 1y+l3

More 07-10!


Any Chelsea I I got Megan e tela b and christa R


Emily k for real


Who is sapphire? Need a face or something so I can try to find


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Anyone have blayne z?


Who dat?


Anyone have tela jo or chelsea D


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Tela for ya can I find some Chelsea I waverly w Katie g something good


Any Lexi oyola?


Anyone have any of the old dancers from tin cup or palace?


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M. R0$$
Where are those sapphires?


Post the Waverly


I was looking for them myself I had the tela Jo hoping to get one of them in return


Waiting for Morgan turch for sapphire


Lol! Dude has ZERO pictures of sapphire. She doesn't do that anymore anyway. Dudes a mooch.


Anna k


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any 2018?


Who’s this?


K0urtl@n feath3rs?


Damn I wish lol no way anyone has her




Kayla b0ore?


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In guessing the ones who are saying "no way anyone has her" are either the husband's or boyfriends. Post em!


Who's this?


Post waverly!



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Little teasers of Karissa


Can we get back to the hot chick's and stop asking for the dirtballs?


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Tiffany y from Altoona
Christa R from Tyrone I got some more if we get going


I have T@ylor B


Post it bro


What T@ylor B you looking for, the married one?


Anyone got Alyssa Burk3?


From Punxsy?


T@ylor Be@v


Anyone have ma11ory wende11?


Anyone got katylee b?


Sapphire is freshly single boys..****meone get those pictures!


Rachel Conr@d has an slutfans @raelyyynn


Any tiff valentine? Stripper now I believe


Who has sammii ferr0ne when she was skinny?


yes please! would love to see sammii


Someone dump @lexis p@ttie wins


Alexis' personality makes her disgusting. All that woman does is complain nonstop about men.


Any new OF ****


Bump for alexis pattie went to school with her shes fucking gorgeous


New OF…wild_with_you
Altoona Couple


Anyone have killer jayde pics?


K@thy k3ith? Pre fat and stretch marks . Anyone?


How does nobody have B Bovard? Ultimate attention whore. Gotta be out there.


Who's that slut T3rra b3nton pregnant to? I hear it's black


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A. S@v@ge


Some1 guna have K.L@v3lle wins. Ho with OF


I remember back when she was doing the cam girl thing. Her ex still has a bunch of film with her. His ()fanz was m()un+ainmanxx


Got to b sum out there. She been ran through


Anyone got M Paule


What's l@v3ll3 of?


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Brittany L big time slut anyone got anything else


Anyone got Al iss a Ing(ra)m


Good God. We need more brittany


Any Rachel m@tth3ws or Chelsea dib3rt


KL@v3ll3 wuz w sum dude n i thnk deletd her OF


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Teddi B has to be more of this goddess


Is that Teddi Bur Kett???


Who has the amanda h!mes bent over on her knees picture from the old thread? Repost that!


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Anyone have more ****ney or tiff


Damn!!!! Definitely need more Teddi and/or her sister


Any z*chs bartenders? Megan, hailey, steph. Let’s see them.


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Got these 2 of steph I know theres more


Stephanie who?


Agree on Zachs bartenders especially Megan! Any Amanda cobler?


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Erica sea and famous toothpaste. Getting her loose self slammed


anything on christa snyd3r


Look how little his d*ck is hahhahahahhahaha


>>7250 That's not a dick, that's a pp.


I'm hoping that is just an unfortunate timing on that pic too. It sure looks like she is passed out and he is taking advantage


7259. Don't be a liberal douche. Claiming something like that on an anonymous website? Really? Everyone knows she's a druggie and alcoholic that's easy.


Supposedly rj p@yne forced her to fck too. Maybe she is one who just says that for attention


Who is wild_with_you ?


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Anyone have nicole?


I'll post amanda cobler for sapphire


The wild with you page is Hailey Kill ing. Er from Bellwood - lets rack some more Bellwood/Altoona chicks


Bump for turchetta… I know there’s some out there


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$h!@nn3 w!lk!n$on


Wtf is that? Looks like whale sh!t. And awe look, the dude is back begging for torch and promising his non existent sapphire hahaha


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Anybody have wins of Amanda's big Ole bitties?


How about Babs Zindel


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She’s not even from Altoona lol


She dances in altoona and always begging for dope in altoona…. you hate boobs? Drink a bud light. You'll feel better.


Just sayin she’s from my hometown. Didn’t argue that it wasn’t worthy. Just said she’s not from the area. Thanks for offering a bud light but I’ll decline because I don’t drink alcohol. Definitely not complaining about titties tho


In honor of her birthday can someone post the Amanda cobler or Ashley c ?


Any Kylie cl@rk


Cobler will be posted when sapphire is


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Ashley Detwiler, shes fucking perfect!! Skinny Blonde with giant tits and a tiny little ass, well worth it


Sadly…this is turning into a free advertising site for all the OF whores to promote their pages. Even the ugly long neck ones.


D@nielle h0lmb3rg?


I agree need some al-iss-a ing-ram


Quit posting fcking slutfans pages. This site was literally designed for free pictures. Y9ure ruining it. Where are admins when y0u need em


Yup posting of pages killed this thread


I know there’s a D@nielle H0lmberg or T@b f0rnari out there


Honestly posting of pages isnt that bad. Allows you to get as much content as you want. Everyone is to stingy to post and majority of it is nasty white trash that no one wants to see


Then I guess you didn't see the last two pages posted. One had elbow tits and the other is literally the epitome of white trash. Let's stick to posting pictures instead of promoting your little friends


Lol looked up the fat redhead. Poor gage doesn't even know he's an slutfans cuck. He will now though


Yall mf wild for postin dudes names on here. Shit is sinister lmao


Nigga idgaf, I be out here stabbin mf if i have to


I need some J Crook PLEASE!


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Hacked a Snapchat a while back for this J Crook


Any of Tasha Campbell


Anybody have any of the lakemonte dirtballs? Lurel s@vino, lacey st@!nes, c@allista b3nnett?


Whats Addisyn M OF? Page looks fire


anything on Isabel used to be W. now it's H.


any china kifer/hileman?


7246 where can I find the erica video?


Need that erica vid if anyone knows where it is


Anyone know if madi l@sc0li (1ckes) has her OF back now that she's divorced? If so someone have her OF name?


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Ktlyn F. Lived in altoona for awhile and stripped at end zone I think it was. Still waiting on where to see erica sea pics and vids? Is it 0NFS or something else


michelann stroup?


Chelse@ bl@ke ??


****. Detw1l3r?




Pretty_in_inkk on OF


Chel di3hl?


Erca seacrst?


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The world needs Ali C.


Who would want to see eri(a seacre$t..heard she gets around with all the married men. Or little dick guys.


bump for Chelsea bl@ke she is sexy


Any sammii ferr0ne before she got knocked up again….feel bad for the guy she is with now the baby ain't even his


Post that Erica


Any ash Car0l


Samii had some amazing tits would love to see them


Who’s that with the huge knockers sucking dick ?


No. 7209 who is that with the huge tits?


Does anyone have Megan e(ger) I really wanna see them tits


I've seen one of Megan before but don't have the pictures.. there's gotta be more


Yeah Megan’s done a lot of cheating on guys even on her military ex with a few different guys gotta be something



Let’s get more of the Beav


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Sammi forone


That's the worst looking Sammi pic in the world.


the hell kind of picture is this? let's see some tits


K D3n33n?


Dude sammii is a straight dirtball. So disgusting and this piss shot proves it


Yeah thanks ruining the thread you stupid assholes, posy your shit and shut the fuck up, and yeah nobody wants to see some gross retard piss . Wake up all of you - its a VAULT not a shit market


Yup thread died due to the stupid piss pants picture. Morons.


K Deneen has herpes


Someone has to have jaydes tits…****meone be the hero


Ex stripper whore who married rich has herpes? Shocker.


Anyone got those rickens sisters?


Willing to **** Megan e(ger) or michelann for some turchetta


J@mie kru!se?


Or you could be the one to get this going again an drop them


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Any M@ddi E1cher from Claysburg. Heard she sells


Someone has to have the feisty abby lytl3


I got 1 recent Chelsea cas if the Megan comes up


this is why it always dies nobody will post what they have unless somebody posts something else first and it's a never ending cycle of saying "I'll post this if somebody posts that"


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Any more Abby?


Y’all got shay a lbright? I’ll post my Megan e for that


Someone make my birthday awesome. Any britney c@rey?


Just post it brother


Someone post a Tara R(utter) I'll post a Jayde dildo video


Jayde dildo video doesn't even exist.




Nobody wants to see jayde anymore. The boobs on her arms are bigger than the ones on her chest.


Jayde has been used and abused in every hole she has. Dumb dirty broad.


A futrell?


Eh I'd still fck jayde but I wouldn't have a baby with it….we know what she does with them.


Lol the he'll it doesn't. You guys do realize she had OF for a month right? She posted a video of her dildoing herself and a bunch of tit and booty pics. I have them all saved.


"I have them all saved" but not going to post them? Pussy faggot…get off the fucking thread. Must be easy making promises and claims behind an anon server


Someone drop a Tara Rutter, Kelsey Harmtan, Jess Stefanini, or Ashley Garvey and I'll drop all the Jayde OF videos/pics


Annnnnnd the thread dies because of people lying about having pics. Morons.


Whos got the mari* hewi that used to float around???


M@riss@ h3witt anyone?


as i bystander, i can assure you the jayde video does exist. tried to share the wealth but kept getting errors


Upload a screen shot then


Jayde had an OF and definitely used a dildo on it.


You retards can't even post a screen shot of it lolololoo


If you "tried" to upload it, then you could easily screenshot the video.


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“you retards can’t even post a screenshot” go get some fresh air. bunch of vampires


Post the rest of hee OF pics


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Dirty Jayde


Do you have the close up one with them out of her shirt?


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I think Dr Miami put her nipples up way too high.


You got the rest? She had nice ass ones on there too


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Anything on this slut? Brooke B? Other than her pussy lip hanging out on her insta?


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Morgan T. Post more Jayde


Do you have the rest of Jayde OF pics?


Must be nice to buy fake tits from the insurance money of your murdered kid


Post the rest of them, be a hero!!


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Do you have the booty ones?


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Anymore Megan e come on


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Sara m


Anyone have Aliss a Ingra M?


whoever had the kierr**** m, post em


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A Conte


M3@gan r0w1es?


I thought Fat Ang OD'd and died


somebody got anything on Tessa Ferrone?


Kylie Cl@rk?


Anyone get sapphire while she was broken up with her boyfriend? He cheated on her so she had to get even with one of yall playas


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who is that?


I also got four sapphire and ten more ****n eger ready to drop for more turchetta


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Anybody have this plastic bimbo? Keera.


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Morgan T. Post them sapphire




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Here’s one sapphire. Got anymore turch for me?


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Anyone have Peyton m?


And a second one


oops it didn’t post… here’s another sapphire


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Third times a charm I guess


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Another Morgan


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Another sapphire - got anymore turch?


So sapphire had nipple rings and took them out for you? Wheres the face pictures or any of her tats? Totally not sapphire


Last one is an old one


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Someone’s gotta have some Kathy??


Any one have any of Abbie Hughes it's been a while there has to be some floating around


Post up Sammi ferrone


Any strippers from rebelz


Anymore shawn3y fochl3r…


Does anyone know who the chubby little brunette waitress is at Jack and georges?


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Can we get Chelisea W?


Post the **** I’ll buy it and share


Sh@e t@ddy?


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Who has the jami kruise video? Post that shit


If anyone has a good bit of ****n e I’ll drop my aurdrie c


Abby mi11iron?


Sar@h Schmitt?


Who's the black chick?ndoes she like white redneck cock?


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Anybody wanna do the Lord's work and subscribe to post Chelisea W wins?


That's D@ysia


That’s how u ruin an only don’t share only wins just post there ****s where Kelly (Campbell)


What video


The video of her fucking Paul awhile back when Brooke was alive. She made a cheating sex video with him to get even with her. Let's see that cellulite jiggle, someone has to have it.


Who has the **** murderers? Andilena p@c!fico or j@yde hub3r?


Who has laur3l sav1no? 1siah Th0m@s fucks her everyday in the parking lot at his work behind his wife's back so he should have somethin


L@ura S.?


Anyone got her sister?? Jayde’s sister mia?




This thread fucking sucks? Wtf happened? Retards.


Any of Sam wombacher (loner) I know someone has some with all these men in relationships she be trying to get with


Any Brittany scrichfield?


Any Er in Pi3r s0n out there


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Who has this bimbo? Keera d3n33n


Legendary bimbo. She's been around and around. Somebody has to have something.


Any summ3r moy3r? Would love to see her tits


Anyone have the vid of mycala z


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Stripper from pitt


Emily forshey?


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Any wins R. Bar


Please god more taylor beav I got Chels w.e.s.t


T. Beav for C. West


More A. CONTE I know she's got a ton


Anyone got sid G.I.B.S.O.N


Any of Sam loner (wombacher) cuz she still married out here being a hoe


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A C*nte as requested. Get the Beav and C West boys!


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One more


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Some get taylor and I'll dump Chelsea


Any one got ****ayla z


Sam loner is like 400 pounds dude. Ain't Noone wants to see that


Anyone have her OF? What is it?


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Anyone have her OF?


>>10453 poisonwillow is her of you better post some stuff from it


Aubrey w34therly?




Who’s this


I'll pay someone an unreal amount for the goods on Kr¡st¡n d¡vely


Anyone have that Jesse del**


anybody got anything on Brittany Doyle. got some nice huge titties


Charles or ferrone?


M@di ick3s got fired from her job… does that mean her OF is back up? Someone find out pleaseeee


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anything on either of them?? they both dated some d bags so im sure they have some floating around


Anything new in altoona


Anyone have Ciara B OF?


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Does anyone have the old christa sny**r pics?


What’s ****ney detw!ler’s slutfans


Someone has to have some of autumn shearer


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You’re welcome


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Don’t know her name but local


Any Meg DuKeRY


Bump for hollidaysburg class of 2012-2015


Abbie hughes


Layla shelow




Any Sar ah muss3lman?


Any Kendra Renzo?


Any Kendra Renzo?


6th Ave Rutters?


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anything on Brianna G. last name rhymes with heist. got a sexy body


Can all the jayde stuff be posted again just to remind us all of a whore she is? She always on social media crying about other people so let's blast the murderer and let the community know what she is all about


@lex fran3ll?


Can we please get that whore Chelsea I guess she been seems nudes out nightly being his back I got some stuff to **** for


Taylor shildt? Kayla kustaborder? JoJo Caswell? Harley Oswald?


Kaytee Ross?


Any kinky gals? Squirters or pissers?


Who had the jayde Huber video?


Which Chelsea??




Thos thread is fucking pathetic. Post your fucking wins you fucking pussies


She let herself go after marriage and ****s. Someone has to have them if she's sending them out behind her husband's back.


Hey yall if this is true about chels lemme know proof needed im her husbands buddy and would wanna bring that to him if he wasted all them years just to be sold like this please no hate just looking out for him




Does anyone have chloe H.I.C.K.S those big tits gotta be out there


So subscribe to her page and find out. Stop promoting. This is a page where you share the wealth not try to scam us into making someone some profits. Cmon dude


Anyone have anything from e*ily anthony’s onl*fans?


Shut up nigger, she would probably fuck me and not you


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Anyone have anything on ****ey


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Anyone know who this is


You seem like a genius. It's an anonymous site. "She'll fuck me before you". Complete moron thing to say. Just post your wins and stfu retard.


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Jenna W. Jazmine R. Alexis H. Anyone got Cloey B or Mareike P? Got some more Alexis and some old Emily Ast0r€


Anybody have haile w from bullpen in tyrone?


I have one Marei P, Chel B and Dani F, a few Sara H and a Jenn T. Would love to see Em Ast!


Oh and a catalog of Ang H from Ty


>>12203 got anymore jasmine? Know she had a premium. Heard she had vids too?


Any of Tela B


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Emily a before college


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Gab w@tson


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Goes by haillie Marie on her socials?
Young milf for sure



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Need some Ashtyn p or Paige wenn€r


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Anyone have more of this one? Ki@na from quakertown


Good lord… that ass is divine… name?


Lindy patterson?


Erin Pier son?


Any jess b33l3r


Anyone have Katerina P(a)rowski? Heard shes a swinger now and that her husband is a cuck


Any Aly$$a Leach


Can we get more ciara beckwith


Anyone have Alyss(a) Le(a)ch?


Who’s ass is that holy fuck


Someone has to have 3rin Piers0n or Shy L3ar after last night??


Any sport clips girls? Taylor ****n cirrra??


any waverly w.?


Someone has to have t@ylor H0yt


Any c@t|yn McC@u||e


I second waverly or her friend randi


Anyone got Kylie E or Danielle G


G as in Glunt?


Gardner she has a fat ass


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Who had m0rgan snyd3r? This smut cheats the moment her husband tristin leaves in the morning so there's gotta be something out there!


Someone's gotta have Anna batr**


I got Danielle g and a few others for Alisa b


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Who’s ass?


Thats Morgan snyders ass. You have any more shots?


Isiah th0m@s had a shit ton of tristins wife. Someone show him this site and tell him to upload his m0rgan snyd3r nudes


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Hailey K… lots more for some good wins.


God I hope she is… been wanting that ass forever


Anyone got Airizona?
I’ll **** up some Taura Jo that were taken one week before she passed


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Who's got Ty13r B3ck3r?


Anyone got the SoHmEr Girls


Someone post Mich3lann!


Anyone have April L? Dying to see those tits


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Judge d0yle daughter l@urs h0rne


L@ura horne a skinny drug addict now


Videos of Hailey K please!


l@urs h0rne


Anyone got more L@ura Horne?


Whos got andre@ butl3r that's been posted before… she sleeps around on her man she's with now


Who remembers C0urtn3y T@te?


****3y t@te is a liberal bitch that doesn't shave. She's a butterface of the past that got forgotten because if her views on life


Her pics and videos are still welcomed…. dump em!


3lann had several. Where did they go?


Anyone have mycala z or alyson n


>>12416 good God. Whose ass is that?


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I’d kill for some tanisha


Any of Tiffany burket


Where did the M1chelann wins go?


Who had m011y w1nsl0w?



Where did all those Mich3lann wins go?


Where can we find the whole Jayde video? Need to fap to that babykiller


There's gotta be more of m0rg@n snyd3r than just that ass shot


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Here’s more s@rah m@nna but where is more Izzy k or nic ole the bartender at mollys


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Bump plz post some kyl ie was ser (Lynn) or mari na sho ver


I'd give my left nut for some M1chellan wins. Her tits are stupid fat.


Anyone have any V1ctoria thom@s or sum mer c@ashdoll@r post something with Izzy on her back


The black chick is d@ysi@ c


Alexa Weston Wins


>>14724 ssaammmee


Any Haley Morgan

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