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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/penn/ - Dubois wins

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

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 No.5960[Last 50 Posts]

Dubois wins


Who is that


S@nt@n@ B


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Wow! Do any of those women have OF?


They are all the same. Thickgirl19xx I believe is her of.


Does anyone have the jackie that was posted b4 that archive


I looked up that OF account and got nothing. If you get the right one, post it. I will subscribe in a heart beat!!!


Just curious if it's the same jackie I have if it is ill know she sent them to other people and will post more






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Any OF account for the girl with the facial, or the hot one at the beginning?


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Haley v.


Need new ** **(USER BANNED)


Lust4london doesn't work


leah schwinger wins?


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Rayla k.
Anyone have any laenee l or santana b


Whats he****sername?


OF name


Any avarea Smith


Please no Santana I’d rather not see that lol a girl with an ass an tits would be much better


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Becky G??


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Somebody has to has S@ntana. I'd eat it front to back


Any Mel@rie wern(er


Hannah W?


You can $ap her and she will send you stuff in $nap but id go on there and ask before sending $.. i have her clothed not nude


Anybody have anything new on shana Todd?? Is she still getting around?


What’s woodel snap?


Any Steph p@ssmore?


Any one have $antana B ? She looks good af now a days


S@ndy punchios. Short hot lunch lady


K. Kromer Bville??


Any Cierra S.


Mikalya Duffalo??


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Punxsy Ivy F pierced nips


Anyone have any ali woodèl? Or know how to get some?


Jackie Mays Brookville


>>6918 have you considered asking 5 times a week for 4 years?


Anyone know leah p@lian slutfans?


Leah hasn't posted anything in ages


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** on the yellow a. pp. with the ** on it. Pmillerthrill tons of punxsy chicks


“Pmillerthrill” ****


New posts make me happy


Are those tash@ new?


Yeah, as of like 3 weeks ago


Anymore of tash@


Tash@ o]f u$er n@m3?


Any @bbey snyd3r out there?


Who is that


Who is she


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Anyone have Sarah and her little skin tags?


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Maddy Y. Anyone got Jasmine E?


Who is that?


Anyone have Angie P0w3ll?


Does the archive work? And is it really everything from forever saved ?


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Do ghh hi o


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P@iGe S pin a SHADE


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@bby p rim


Who this?


Its a faggot that tries and scam people into paying for his slutfans so he can d****lay his pathetically small dick.
Hopefully- he washes his mouth out with a revolver


What is this username for?


The Pmillerthrill that Is ^


Yeah I know that, I was asking who the chick was in the pic right above Rach dress.


Any Tasha we1r


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Who is she. She's hot as fuck


Kayla mur–ry wins??


S@die $hick


Does Ang G have a new OF?


Any T@ylor Meh0lick wins


Amanda trunzo wins out there?


Any k3ndra lace-horn3 ?


There has to be some tiff sw@neon out there


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Any thing on her, she likes to fuck around


Please somebody have brianna Roy and those massive tits



I fuck her all the time behind her man’s back. He’s so fucking dumb. Like a month ago I fucked her in the ass while she sucked off my buddy. She’s a good little cum slut


Who is that



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Anyone have t0ri Hami1t0n


Any C. Stom?


Amber Kotora??



Who is that whore? She looks familiar.


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Taylor M… Any Angie P0well or Latoshia Hal3?


Someone’s gotta have t@sh@ Weir


I have Latoshia, who you got? Any brookville girls?


I have a ton of lala for tori h or sam marshal


Bump for Latoshia


Where’s the Miranda tapper new nudies I know they exist.


I got a ton of pictures of all kinds for Miranda videos or gabby Rhodes I wanna see those sluts naked.


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Who's got sexy tiff slid.


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She's a loony toon and that nasty pussy has seen several miles of cock.


Who’s the last 3?


Any m@riss@ Fr@ntz


Any l@rk or l@ken Delaney out there


Chey eshbaugh


Bump for T@ylor M3holick(USER BANNED)


Who’s the blonde with the fat titties??


Any Lauryn k.


Meisha J@ck5un?


Any Avarea Smith


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My wife T@sh@ is smokin hot I got a lot more of and with her


Nice man! Your wife is hot! Would love to see more. She on fbook?


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Let's see tosha taken some dick !


Love to see more of tosha


Any more r@ch dresslr


Who’s this blonde ?


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Hali M. Any jasmine E?


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Anyone have her? I just wanna see them huge titties.


Let's see tashas bigg ass and tittys


Anyone got M@ddÿ @


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Jaelin D. Who has the Maddy A



She's a mentally unstable kook, but she does have some big titties.


Who has the **** to kanishas of?


Chelsea bussato
Stephanie passmore


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Who's got Gabby and her clearly photoshopped tits?


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Anybody got this hot teacher


How do we get more?




Any of afton slima? She has such a nice ass I'd love to see it


Anyone have any Nichole Beach


Anyone have ka$ey R. Works at my ****s daycare and would love to see her big tits.


Whats her name


Seriously Someone has to have Mindy H@ll.


Any jess p? Gotta be stuff of her


Anyone have anything from Nicole Beach


Any ava smith


>>7323 who's that?


How about T@ffy cornm@n?


Maranda Nicole


>>7323 who is she?


Any Nyq@l B@ker?




I can't believe there is not any win on Nicole Beach


Any @bbey Snyder out there


Any S@ndy Pun©hios


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Does she have an OF
And what is her name


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Any ali woodel out therebor know if she has an of


Anyone have Taylor C0bl3r?


Any one have Kayla D, I know she use to do cam shows with her ex (masternate7)?


meg shuckers?


Any avarea smith


Looking for Ivy fisher Punxsy $


Anyone have any dancers from Club blue? ( Julia j or Christina D)


I'm not even sure what club that is?


Whose the short hair blonde with big tits?


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who is this?



You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be chasing after a couple of skanks like that. Do better.


Very nicceeee


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Who dis?


Kanisha W.



Avarea s


Any Tamera Obrian


Dude…you are the man!
Thx for posting these….if you have anymore thatd be awesome


I’m just trying to see some tits man


Madelyn Hindman??? Brookville


Any mary wright from punxsy


Does she have onlyf@ns
What's her socials


I doubt she has an O-F and her insta is private.
She has snap


Whose 8186???


Any kayle*gh kuzs*k


I have few that haven't been posted. What you got?


Any wins on Hailey emigh


a couple of who?


kayle*gh kuzs*k


Does anybody have baby peach on OF?


Don’t have anything to share, was from Kay’s Huz hometown and hoping somebody up there would be generous


Annastia williams?


Any Kel$ey Burkett from punxsy


I got Miranda tapper if anyone has anything else worth while


Newer Miranda or old?


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Newer Miranda


Post the miranda


I’m gonna, I’m working on getting more. does anyone have anything?


Maddy is so hot. She's a great fuck, too.


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Will post more when others get posted


Miranda have of ?


No she doesn’t . Just a guy living up to his word. Someone gotta have something else tho? Any of the names I named , more maddy, anything


Wish I still had my old phone I'd be posting everything. Need more people like the dude w miranda.


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For more Miranda


Who’s this


Rayla k


More foot stuff from miranda?


Who this dime


Any Anna Williams lived in ryen with a fat ass . Or any dimes ?


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E. Leach


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Who’s that


Someone gotta have something of Anna Williams , she was just the biggest slut


Emily Adamson?


All four where the same girl I had named.


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Hopefully for more punxsy.


Look at that, we add a few, we get a few.
Who are they?
I got some more on the way.


I got better m tapper ones , just waiting to see if any of the names I named get posted first .


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more maddy


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More rayla for Miranda


Rylee, kenlee, aleya, kassidy


Anymore Maddi y?


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I'll add to that Maddy collection


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Another Maddy


Anyone got anything other then maddy


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I would love to see some of Darianne


Anymore maddi y the blonde?


You don’t have shit dude. Every loser with no wins pulls this shit: “I’ll post XYZ as soon as someone else posts ABC”. You’re a lame fucking pussy who don’t got shit


This thread was dead till he said he had M tapp pics then it blew up and now he’s gone lol


Can anyone tell me how to get back to Valhalla?
It was a much better community with people that delivered.


The fact dude claimed he had whatever, wasn't the factor.
I just decided to start contributing, again. I've been a long time fan of this site and don't wanna see it die


Just think what this thread would look like of people kept their word . Got lots more to share bull I’ll just hold on to it


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Highly expecting something good in return since you guys been fussing so much about her.


That’s not even a highly good picture. Get the fuck outta here


Seems to be grade A compared to the rest of the Miranda in here. Show me a comparison of a better one ? You fucjing cuck. Kys


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Ain’t complaining. Guy said drop more. More was posted and he did what he said he was gonna do. I say hell ya man.


Dude didn’t post it. I did. I want involved in any of the above discussion. More Anna bl@ke would be sweet tho. Or some gabby


Wasn’t involved *


Nice. Sure, Miranda is hot. Who she is turns me off.
Suppose I could pretend to like her for 20 minutes or so..


Trash human looks good naked tho


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Alexis, before she got fat.


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Here’s Anna , any gabby Rhodes , Emily Adamson or anyone


What's Anna's last name start with?
That body, is fucking amazing.


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Erica before she was big.


Alexis' last name?


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Kayla B.


who is this?


The fat booty is Lexi Metzger, Anna’s last name begins with b. And is that Kayla boykin? And Erica who?


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more punxsy please


Kayla, bay-tee.
Erica, day-vus.


I love sluts.


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S£irra knisl£y for any kash Krin£r or any babes


Don’t let it die


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Any Amanda trunzo, mikayla duffalo, em adamson, anymore Kayla b, kaeligh , or even maddi y floating around?


Damn, who's she?
I'm digging through my stockpile.
I don't even know the majority of the girls you're requesting. Ha


Anyone will do , don’t gotta be names requested as long as it don’t die . And that’s Anna again


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Here's a tease of Kayleigh.


Brandi d


What’s wrong with her? I don’t know her just think she’s hot. Let’s hear some stories


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Mari$$a whitm0re
Alli3 p0l0h0nki
S@ra Dix0n

Need more m tapp or Tay bric3n


Anyone have any A downer videos??


Who is Kayleigh? Body looks amazing


Any Alicia K@n0uff


Bump for tay bric £n


Who all has OF local? Interested in inverting in some new ones


Investing *


Any wins today?


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M@rissa for any wins . Keep it going


I still want to know who this is.
Also this thread does not bump to the front page anymore.


Last name starts with a G, and probably because we're over 250 comments.


I got some good ones for Anna Williams .


Does she have an OF


Be about it, don't talk about it.
Post that shit.


I’ve posted about 65 percent in here lol I’m not positing again until someone else does .


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Anyone have anything better if Ashley?


Are there any glory holes around here? Bi, straight, gay?


And sadly this just, falls off a cliff..


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Who has this peice of ass


I have some of hurr


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Just a start. Very down to **** :)


Damn got anymore and how easy is she? She down for sneaky ****s?


She's like my dream Fuc8


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Any of La3n33


Who's got more Chey


I have a lot more but like i wanna see more punxsy girls first lol.


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Maddy A and H Murray anyone got c stom?


any of alic@a sp@ngler?


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Any of this hoe


abby kl@iber?


Who’s the chick with deer skull under tits ??


Anyone have any Alison Young at all


Hey faggot you don’t need to spam this shit on multiple posts


Hey fuck face don't give a fuck what u got 2 say


People are trying to see some nudes Faggot so either post some shit or get the fuck off people are aloud to blow this shit up


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂


Anyone gonna make a new thread? So we can actually bump it to the top…


Post some more Kayleigh to get this going again


Any Kristen avery


Any Bre R0m@n


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St@cy who


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Ch3y3nn3 l.


Any girls from central?


Anyone have any squirters or pissers


Any sh@nn0n stiv3r from punx. Worked with her at bk


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Kay huz everybody been asking had to dig these up about 1.5-2 years ago


Hannah woodel?


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Does anyone have pictures of Sab itha from Clearfield?


Who's is the last pics of


Katie Z?


Katie Z.


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T. Beckwith


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K. Ball


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What is with you faggots posting fake wins constantly. Post real shit or kys


Anyone actually have either of the Allison’s and not fakes?

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